Innovative diagnostic equipment
Innovative diagnostic equipment of the Center for Oncodermatology allows to detect skin tumors at early stages
Confirm or deny the diagnosis based on histologic findings
Histological examination of skin tumors according to modern European and American protocols
High level of specialists
High level of specialists
High level of specialists of the Center for Oncodermatology, which is constantly improving through participation in international congresses and conferences
InformationServices1 clinic
← Oncodermatology

Diagnosis of malignant skin tumors

Diagnostics of skin cancer at Dobrobut is carried out in accordance with international recommendations and using modern digital equipment of the expert level and a mandatory biopsy. If necessary, there is access to all the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies and consultations of related specialists.

Service prices:

Incisional, punch and radio-wave biopsy of the skin (up to 3 formations inclusive) (for benign tumors and tumor-like processes)1320 uah
Incisional biopsy of the 3rd category3000 uah
Surface excisional biopsy (removal of the whole formation (fibroma, lymph node) of subcutaneous formations)2800 uah
Ultrasound of the lymph nodes870 uah
See all prices
Diagnosis of malignant skin tumors

Most cases of skin cancer are noticed by patients themselves or their relatives. At the first consultation, the doctor examines the suspicious areas and conducts a medical history. For most types of cancer, a biopsy (examination of a tissue sample under a microscope) is the only reliable diagnostic method, so it is mandatory.

Depending on the type of cancer suspected, additional tests may be prescribed, which are performed at Dobrobut:

  • The plan of examination and surgical treatment depends on the thickness of the tumor according to Breslow
  • Ultrasound of the lymph nodes
  • Computed tomography (CT) of the neck, chest and abdominal organs)
  • MRI of the brain (in case of melanoma)

Skin cancer can be diagnosed only after a biopsy and histological examination

If you would like to find out more information about the service or make an appointment at MS Dobrobut, leave a request and our coordinator will contact you.

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Diagnosis of malignant skin tumors

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Diagnosis of malignant skin tumors, Services:

  • Every person from the moment of birth has new growths on the body in the form of moles. Over the course of life, their number may increase.
  • Mole mapping is a state-of-the-art method of diagnosing and preventing dermatological diseases. Its essence lies in detailed photographing of all areas of human skin followed by automatic analysis of the detected neoplasms. Annual mapping of moles allows you to detect such dangerous diseases as melanoma, basaloma, and others at an early stage.
  • Punch biopsy
    Different types of biopsies are used for skin examinations, but the most common is punch biopsy. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that tissue sampling is carried out using a special hollow scalpel, which is immersed inside the neoplasm and makes a column-shaped cut containing different layers of skin.
  • Digital dermatoscopy with a doctor's consultation
    Digital dermatoscopy with a doctor's consultation
  • Diagnosing cancer with CT
    Computerized tomography is a possibility to receive several projections of the area of interest within one procedure.
  • Diagnosing cancer with MRI
    MRI allows to obtain quality images using radio waves and a powerful magnet. Images obtained using such a diagnostic technique can show the difference between normal and diseased tissue.

Physicians who provide referral services Diagnosis of malignant skin tumors:

22experience (y.)
Boichun Tetiana Oleksandrivna
Boichun Tetiana Oleksandrivna
Dermatovenereologist; Cosmetologist; Pediatric dermatovenereologist; Trichologist
40experience (y.)
Dekhtiar Tetiana Volodymyrivna
Dekhtiar Tetiana Volodymyrivna
36experience (y.)
Husieva Svitlana Anatoliivna
Husieva Svitlana Anatoliivna
Mammologist; Oncologist
9experience (y.)
Kovalenko Iryna Andriivna
Kovalenko Iryna Andriivna
17experience (y.)
Kukovenko Iryna Viktorivna
Kukovenko Iryna Viktorivna
Pediatric dermatovenereologist; Dermatovenereologist; Trichologist
26experience (y.)
Kukushkina Mariia Mykolaivna
Kukushkina Mariia Mykolaivna
Surgeon-oncologist; Oncodermatology
27experience (y.)
Osypenko Pavlo Volodymyrovych
Osypenko Pavlo Volodymyrovych
3experience (y.)
Rud Anastasiia Andriivna
Rud Anastasiia Andriivna
Dermatovenereologist; Oncodermatology
17experience (y.)
Selivanova Tetiana Anatoliivna
Selivanova Tetiana Anatoliivna
Dermatovenereologist; Oncodermatology; Pediatric dermatovenereologist
14experience (y.)
Zadorozhna Kristina Olehivna
Zadorozhna Kristina Olehivna
Oncologist; Surgeon

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