Work experience: 52 years
Category: Higher
- Lugansk State Medical University
Areas of professional development:
- member of the Ukrainian Pediatrician Surgeon Association;
- a former professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Lugansk State Medical University;
- Author of scientific publications;
- participant of the conferences, courses of thematic improvement;
- visiting of congress of surgeons, conferences of laparoscopic microsurgery.
- "What is available and is possible – we use. Usually we learn about new trends from colleagues at the conferences and from the Internet resources."
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- outpatient and inpatient pediatric surgery. Professional skills covers routine, urgent, thoracic, purulent, abdominal surgery and neonatal surgery;
- rendering the emergency and planned aid for children with surgical pathology in full.
- "The level of knowledge of people is often high. People read a lot of information, including Internet resources. All of them can learn much about the disease. It is right. But because of this, there is an underestimation of the problem, the degree of its danger. The doctor should guide and clarify all aspects to the patient."
- "My experience helps me very much in"Dobrobut”. When people consult me, it is usually necessary to react immediately and make the decision."
- Patients often delay the visit to a doctor. For example, recently I have faced a case of a purulent felon. People had been applying an ointment to a finger of the child of five for five days. As a result the phalanx has suffered rather strongly."
- "It often happens that patients go to see a doctor when it is already late . There were cases of a late cryptorchidism when the operation had to be done up to a year, and the child was already elder then one.”
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- sugery;
- anesthesiology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- I love doing sports and photographing. I make black-and-white and color photos. To do this, I purchased special equipment and, when I have time, I take pictures with my DSLR camera."
Doctor's advice:
- Immediately call to the doctor at stomachaches, umbilicalhernia, hydropsies of the spermatic cord, hydrocele. These diseases areoften underestimated that’s why there are problems with the planned rehabilitation. It is also important not to delay the visit to the doctor at festering diseases. They are at the level of the acute appendicitis when it is necessary to operateimmediately. Festering diseases progress not on days but in hours. Unfortunately, in certain cases antibiotics are not so effective and not as quick as one would hope. So you need not to postpone your visit to a doctor. At the timely consulting it is possible to expect the timely recovery. Late treatment is fraught with serious injuries for children. Besides, the use of antibiotics also may cause certain harm to the body.
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- Concentration of doctors momentary reaction to the problem, their ability to communicate with the child and their parents. The doctors should be experienced, with good feedback about the work. Such doctors have not had post-operative complications in their practice. It is very responsible to work in "Dobrobut”. That is why doctors always improve their professional skills."