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Beauty is, first and foremost, love for your health, which the specialists of our medical center will help you take care of.
At the Dobrobut Center for Dermatology and Cosmetology, we treat beauty as an integral part of human health, and with a medical approach, we help take care of the internal and external condition, taking into account all the processes and characteristics of the body. We not only eliminate external imperfections, but also take a comprehensive approach to diagnosing possible problems inside the body to maintain good health and beauty of the whole body.
Our specialists rely on in-depth knowledge of the medical processes that occur in the human body at different stages of life, as well as on techniques that allow us to influence these processes. Our main goal is to cultivate love for your health to preserve youth and beauty.
At the Dobrobut Center for Dermatology and Cosmetology, you can get expert advice and a wide range of medical services to maintain beauty, youth and good health.
Dermatology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin, hair and nail diseases, as well as pathological changes in the sebaceous and sweat glands. Using modern technologies, qualified dermatologists at the Center for Dermatology and Cosmetology will conduct a high-quality diagnosis and draw up a phased treatment plan based on the patient's request and needs.
Trichology is a branch of dermatology focused on the diagnosis, treatment and care of hair and scalp. Trichologists will help determine the cause of the hair problem, eliminate its consequences, and provide individualized recommendations for care and treatment.
Aesthetic cosmetology is a field responsible for restoring, rejuvenating, and eliminating aesthetic skin imperfections using various procedures and techniques. Cosmetic programs also help to correct facial contours, eliminate age spots and acne, tighten pores, and improve skin tone and elasticity.
Injection cosmetology is a set of techniques for correcting age-related or deformational changes in the face and body. Thanks to beauty injections, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, and the protective functions of the skin are enhanced. Injectable cosmetology helps to get rid of age and facial wrinkles, improve skin texture, change lip volume, and model the oval of the face.
Hardware cosmetology is a comprehensive approach to the impact on the skin of the body and face by applying cosmetic and therapeutic procedures using special equipment. The Dobrobut Center for Dermatology and Cosmetology is equipped with modern premium equipment for laser and hardware cosmetology procedures.
Aesthetic medicine is a field that specializes in improving the appearance and shape of the body through the use of various procedures, technologies and interventions.
Body care procedures: peelings, intensive moisturizing, complex nutrition, care for problematic and sensitive skin, anti-age procedures:
Aesthetic gynecology is a branch of medicine whose specialists solve cosmetic and aesthetic problems associated with changes in the female reproductive system due to age, pregnancy and childbirth. Modern aesthetic surgeries and non-surgical techniques improve the quality of a woman's intimate life, improve her well-being, and help to get rid of some anatomical and functional problems and diseases by combining gynecology, cosmetology, reconstructive and restorative surgery, and plastic surgery.
Podiatry is a branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin and nails of the foot. Treatment includes painless non-surgical methods, including the use of correction systems. It also helps in solving and preventing aesthetic problems of the feet, using the techniques of professional medical pedicure.
The many years of experience of the specialists of the Dobrobut Center for Dermatology and Cosmetology allows us to carry out an effective set of measures to solve problems from the inside, as well as to personalize care and rejuvenation procedures for each client, so that beauty and good health are always close by.
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“Dobrobut” Dermatology & Cosmetology Medical Center
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