Hunkin Arkadii Yuriiovych

Hunkin Arkadii Yuriiovych

Pediatric surgeon; Pediatric urologist
26experience (y.)
child doctor

The Doctor provides the following services:

Pediatric urologist consultation
1260 uah
Pediatric surgeon consultation
1260 uah
Consultation of a pediatric urologist in the Emergency department
1620 uah
Consultation of a pediatric surgeon in the Emergency department
1620 uah
Primary rabiological consultation
2040 uah
Adult appendicectomy with drainage (laparoscopic or classic)
20590 uah
Bacteriological culture + antibioticogram from the wound
580 uah
Deep excisional biopsy (removal of the whole formation (neurinoma, lymph node) of deep formations (muscles, peri-osteum, etc.)) .
5720 uah
Surface excisional biopsy (removal of the whole formation (fibroma, lymph node) of subcutaneous formations)
2420 uah
Infantile removal or plastic reconstruction of prepuce (including the cases of phimosis)
17180 uah
Removal of anal fringes
5930 uah
Meckelectomy (surgery stage)
11220 uah
Removal of external formations (lipoma, atheroma) of the 1st category of difficulty
2550 uah
Removal of external formations (lipoma, atheroma) of the 2nd category of difficulty
3820 uah
Removal of an ovarian cyst (laparoscopically or in classic way)
19430 uah
Removal of mite
1480 uah
Removal of soft tissue masses of foot, hand
5880 uah
Removal of ungueal plate
1430 uah
Removal of soft tissue neoformations in children
8180 uah
Removal of papillomas of external genitalia
4800 uah
Removal of pilonidal sinuses using radio wave method
11170 uah
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 1st category of difficulty
690 uah
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 2nd category of difficulty
1380 uah
Excision of anal fissure
12040 uah
Excision of periproctous condylomas (on the area non exceeding 1 sq. cm)
4760 uah
Excision of surgical scars (not exceeding 5 cm)
3570 uah
Paraphimosis reset
1790 uah
Infantile hernioplasty of complicated hysterobubonocele (umbilical hernia, epigastric hernia)
20590 uah
Dermoplasty of the 1st category of difficulty
9050 uah
Dermoplasty of the 2nd category of difficulty
15210 uah
Diagnostic laparoscopy
11030 uah
Drainage of pleural cavity with micro-irrigation system
5470 uah
Bulau drainage of pleural cavity
5000 uah
Drainage of pleural cavity in case of pleural empyema
9730 uah
Drainage of pleural cavity in case of pneumothorax
5470 uah
Drainage of superficial abscesses, hematomas
1470 uah
Urine extraction by catheter
260 uah
Lingual frenum correction
1470 uah
Infantile laparoscopic hernioplasty of hysterobubonocele
15380 uah
23940 uah
Minor surgery with local anaesthetic of the 1st category of difficulty
1790 uah
Minor surgery with local anaesthetic of the 2nd category of difficulty
3440 uah
Cosmetic stitch overlap (1 cm)
360 uah
Suturation (1 item)
460 uah
Suturation (no more than 5 items)
770 uah
Surgery in case of bowel invagination
27770 uah
Surgery in case of ingrown nail
1790 uah
Procedure for acute anal abscess of the 1st category of difficulty
15730 uah
Procedure for acute anal abscess of the 2nd category of difficulty
22300 uah
Surgery in case of peritonitis
21400 uah
Initial surgical debridement
1920 uah
Infantile frenuloplasty
5470 uah
Pleural puncture
2150 uah
Re-consultation before anti-rabies vaccination
1020 uah
Cephalhematoma puncture
1730 uah
Radio wave removal of viral wart (1 item) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1610 uah
Radio wave removal of skin neoformations (1 item more than 5 mm) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1470 uah
Radio wave removal of skin neoformations (1 item up to 5 mm) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1300 uah
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the chest area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1720 uah
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the neck area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
2310 uah
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the underarm area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1760 uah
Radio wave removal of plantar wart (1 item) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1610 uah
Revision of pyogenic surgical wound
4150 uah
Revision of scrotal organs
15980 uah
Resection of constricted omentum (as a surgery stage)
6360 uah
Opening of a superficial abscess or a phlegmon in maxillofacial area
17690 uah
Opening of furunculus, atheroma on the face in the inflammation stage
3180 uah
Separation of commissures (laparoscopically)
15340 uah
Lancing (draining) of abdominal abscess
22210 uah
Lancing of Bartholin gland abscess
5470 uah
Lancing of periproctous abscess
9460 uah
Lancing and draining of (deep) soft tissues abscess
7420 uah
Lancing of lymphadenitis
3300 uah
Lancing of whitlow, axillary abscess
1500 uah
Lancing of superficial phlegmons, abscesses, furunculus
1830 uah
Lancing of external genitalia furunculus with local anaesthetic
3300 uah
Neck dissection across the midline with cyst removal
23940 uah
Surgical interference (the 3rd category of difficulty)
34840 uah
Infantile surgical interference in urology in case of cryptorchism, funiculocele (cyst, edema of spermatic cord), hydrocele, varicocele, orchiopexy.
23060 uah
Local anaesthesia
610 uah
Removal of coccygeal fistula
15750 uah
Removal of sutures
520 uah
Incisional biopsy of the 2nd category
1530 uah
Dressing is simple
650 uah
Dressing is foldable
850 uah
Information about the doctor Hunkin Arkadii Yuriiovych

Work experience: 26 years

Category: Higher


  • Donetsk State Medical Institute named after M. Gorky;
  • internship and postgraduate studies in Pediatric Surgery;
  • Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, specialization in pediatric oncology at the National Cancer Institute;
  • Pirogov Vinnytsia National Medical University, specialization in pediatric urology

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • member of the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Ukraine;
  • advanced training courses in laparoscopic surgery, pediatric oncology, ultrasound diagnostics, pediatric gynecology;
  • regularly participates in all-Ukrainian and foreign scientific conferences and seminars, in particular in pediatric surgery, master classes, and advanced training courses.

Scientific activity:

  • candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • co-author of 90 scientific articles and abstracts in periodicals and collections of scientific papers.

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