Information about the doctor Malovytsia Viktoriia Andriivna
Work experience: 33 years
Category: Higher
- Bogomolets National Medical Institute
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- member of the Association of Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctors of Ukraine;
- member of the Doppler Club;
- regularly takes thematic improvement courses, attends conferences and specialized schools.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- ultrasonography of abdominal organs;
- ultrasonography of kidneys and adrenal glands;
- ultrasonography of pelvic organs;
- ultrasonography of the thyroid gland;
- ultrasonography of the mammary glands;
- ultrasonography of lymph nodes;
- ultrasonography of superficial organs and tissues;
- ultrasonography of joints;
- duplex scanning of vessels of the neck and head in adults;
- duplex scanning of vessels of the lower extremities in adults.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- "My hobbies are traveling and Nordic walking. My favorite movies are Titanic and Big Little Lies. My favorite books include works by Liane Moriarty, Myroslav Dochynets, and Yuriy Vynnychuk. I'm also interested in ssu-jok therapy and Ayurveda."
Doctor's advice:
- "Maintain a healthy lifestyle: exercise, eat a balanced diet, and take care of your mental health. Get regular check-ups to maintain your health and detect possible problems in time."