Work experience: 18 years
Category: First
- Bogomolets National Medical University
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- TI: “Endocrine aspects of pathology of the gonads”, “Modern diagnostics (colposcopic screening), prevention (vaccination) and treatment of diseases of cervical pathology”, “Gynecological endocrinology”, “Colposcopy and cervical pathology”;
- school-seminar “Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of reproductive health disorders of young people”;
- German-Ukrainian Congress “Innovative Technologies in Gynecology, Mammology and Aesthetic Medicine”;
- scientific and practical seminars with international participation: “A man in a woman's life: a gynecologist's view”, “Topical issues of modern oncogynecology”;
- training “Cervical pathology. Analysis of clinical cases. Frequently asked questions and answers”;
- scientific and practical seminar “Reproductive Health of Youth”;
- III Ukrainian-German Congress “Innovative technologies in gynecology, mammology and aesthetic medicine”;
- trainings: “Colposcopy in the Diagnosis of Normal and Pathological Cervix”, “Cervical Cancer in the Practice of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. Everything you need to know", ”Cervical pathology and neoplasia. Sexually transmitted infections. Breaking stereotypes", ‘Vaginal beauty concept in the practice of an aesthetician’;
- The first scientific and practical international forum “Metabolic syndrome in an interdisciplinary aspect: competition or interaction”;
- attending conferences, master classes, trainings and studying information in Ukrainian and foreign medical publications.
Scientific activity:
- PhD student at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology #1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University;
- 2016 - speaker on the topic “Male hormones in the female body” at the annual interdisciplinary conference of beauty industry specialists “Challenging patient”;
- “Features of some ultrasound parameters in pregnant women with a single umbilical artery of the fetus”, Women's Health №5 (141), pp. 54-58, 2019;
- “Features of the course of pregnancy in the presence of a single umbilical artery of the fetus”, Women's Health №6 (142), pp. 45-51, 2019;
- “Features of some biochemical markers of pregnancy in pregnant women with a single umbilical artery of the fetus”, Journal of Problems of Biology and Medicine №1, vol. 1 (148), pp. 128-133, 2019;
- “Features of the somatic and gynecological anamnesis in pregnant women with a single umbilical artery”, pp. 26-28, 2019; “Morphological features of the placental structure in the case of a single umbilical artery of the fetus”, vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 433-446, 2019, International Scientific and Practical Journal “Reproductive Health”;
- “Features of the course of the perinatal period and childbirth in pregnancy with a single umbilical artery”, material of the study “Medical Affairs” №3(1151), pp. 28-35, 2019.
Teaching and / or lecturing:
- 2017-2018: lecturer at the course “Reproductive Endocrinology”.
Areas of professional development:
- speaks English.
- “In recent years, aesthetic gynecology has been a very relevant topic in gynecology. I attend trainings and conferences dedicated to this topic to gain up-to-date knowledge and skills.”
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- endocrine gynecology issues.
- The most common complaints: acne (varying degrees of severity), increased hair growth (hirsutism and hypertrichosis on the background of hyperandrogenism), breast pain (fibrocystic mastopathy, diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands, mastodynia), hypoprolactinemia, menstrual disorders, heavy and painful menstruation (abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, uterine fibroids), disturbances in the second phase of the cycle (premenstrual syndrome), infertility/habitual miscarriage, disturbances in the state of health - “hot flashes”, insomnia, anxiety in the menopausal period, with the issue of contraception (as it is known that contraception should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient).
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- dermatology;
- aesthetic cosmetology.
Doctor's advice:
- “I advise you to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and not worry about the little things. And trifles are everything but health. For my specialization, trust between the patient and the doctor is extremely important.”
- “Combined oral contraceptives: current recommendations for professionals”, Estet-Portal
- “Male hormones in women: norm and pathology”, Estet-Portal
- “Possibilities of laser technologies in solving problems of the female intimate zone”, Estet-Portal