Bohdan Yevhenii Oleksandrovych

Bohdan Yevhenii Oleksandrovych

Maxillofacial surgeon
4experience (y.)
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: 18.09.2024 15:00

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by maxillo-facial surgeon
1340 uah
Adult consultation by English-speaking doctor
2090 uah
Consultation of a maxillofacial surgeon in the Emergency Department
1690 uah
Atypical tooth extraction
8450 uah
Tooth extraction
3820 uah
Removal of jaw cyst
11920 uah
Removal of neoformation in mouth cavity or skin surface
9040 uah
Open reduction of malar complex (fixation cost excluded)
35190 uah
Open reduction, osteosynthesis in articular head area (for one osteosynthesis zone, fixation cost excluded)
40970 uah
Open reduction, osteosynthesis of upper jaw bone (fixation cost excluded)
29420 uah
Open reduction, osteosynthesis of lower jaw bone in the angle and chin area (for one osteosynthesis zone, fixation cost excluded)
29420 uah
Open reduction, osteosynthesis of lower jaw bone in the area of its articular process (for one osteosynthesis zone, fixation cost excluded)
35190 uah
Intra-articular application of medications (medications cost excluded)
675 uah
Genioplasty (fixation cost excluded)
41020 uah
Immobilization of jaws with wire splints
7760 uah
Immobilization of jaws with skeletal fixation (fixation cost excluded)
7760 uah
Cosmetic stitch overlap (1 cm)
360 uah
Cosmetic stitch overlap (hairy part of the head, neck)
2410 uah
Cosmetic stitch overlap (face)
3320 uah
Suturation (1 item)
490 uah
Suturation (no more than 5 items)
830 uah
Jaw necroectomy
29420 uah
Osteoplasty of dental archs (osteoplastic materials cost excluded)
26700 uah
Plastic closure of oroantral fenestration
7450 uah
Simple bandaging of ENT organs
1210 uah
Resection of upper jaw bone
44430 uah
Resection of lower jaw bone
32480 uah
Resection of lower jaw bone with immediate conversion (fixation cost excluded)
61860 uah
Orbital walls remodelling (implant cost excluded)
29420 uah
Jaw remodelling (implants cost excluded)
38720 uah
Opening of a deep abscess or a phlegmon in maxillofacial area
23470 uah
Opening of a superficial abscess or a phlegmon in maxillofacial area
17690 uah
Opening of a subperiostal abscess
4050 uah
Opening of furunculus, atheroma on the face in the inflammation stage
3180 uah
Sequestrectomy in case of osteomyelitis of the jaw
17690 uah
Sinus elevation
34380 uah
Complex bandaging of ENT organs
1790 uah
Suturing (from 2-5)
810 uah
Dental implant insertion (per item, implant cost excluded)
16250 uah
Palate deficiency and deformity plasty (osteoplastic materials cost excluded)
30440 uah
Surgical correction of occlusion and facial profile (double jaw surgery, fixation cost excluded)
99410 uah
Surgical correction of occlusion and facial profile (single jaw surgery, fixation cost excluded)
65270 uah
Removal of sutures
560 uah
Dressing is simple
700 uah
Dressing is foldable
910 uah
Information about the doctor Bohdan Yevhenii Oleksandrovych

Work experience: 4 years

Category: First


  • Bogomolets National Medical University;
  • Institute of Postgraduate Education of Bogomolets National Medical University

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • participation in national and international congresses and symposia, such as the 5th National Ukrainian Dental Congress and the 5th International Symposium of Digital Technologies and Aesthetic Dentistry, where new methods and technologies in dentistry are discussed;
  • participation in international conferences dedicated to new achievements in maxillofacial surgery, modern approaches and new technologies in the treatment of orbital and craniofacial diseases, as well as review of current trends and prospects in craniofacial surgery.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • treatment of maxillofacial traumas;
  • reconstructive surgery of the maxillofacial area;
  • removal of benign tumors on the face, neck and jaw area;
  • diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the temporomandibular joint.

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Bohdan Yevhenii Oleksandrovych

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