InformationWhereServices1 review
Vyshpinskyi Ihor Manoliiovych

Vyshpinskyi Ihor Manoliiovych

Pediatric surgeon; Maxillofacial surgeon
38experience (y.)
child doctor
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: 11.08.2024 10:00

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by maxillo-facial surgeon
1260 uah
Expert consultation of an surgeon in clinic
1720 uah
Drainage of superficial abscesses, hematomas
1470 uah
Infantile surgical interference in urology in case of cryptorchism, funiculocele (cyst, edema of spermatic cord), hydrocele, varicocele, orchiopexy.
23060 uah
Lingual frenum correction
1470 uah
Surgery in case of ingrown nail
1790 uah
Initial surgical debridement
1920 uah
Infantile frenuloplasty
5470 uah
Radio wave removal of skin neoformations (1 item more than 5 mm) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1470 uah
Radio wave removal of skin neoformations (1 item up to 5 mm) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
1300 uah
Revision of pyogenic surgical wound
4150 uah
Revision of scrotal organs
15980 uah
Lancing of Bartholin gland abscess
5470 uah
Lancing of periproctous abscess
9460 uah
Lancing and draining of (deep) soft tissues abscess
7420 uah
Lancing of lymphadenitis
3300 uah
Lancing of whitlow, axillary abscess
1500 uah
Lancing of superficial phlegmons, abscesses, furunculus
1830 uah
Lancing of external genitalia furunculus with local anaesthetic
3300 uah
Neck dissection across the midline with cyst removal
23940 uah
Paraphimosis reset
1790 uah
Adult appendicectomy (laparoscopic or classic)
18740 uah
Adult appendicectomy with drainage (laparoscopic or classic)
20590 uah
Deep excisional biopsy (removal of the whole formation (neurinoma, lymph node) of deep formations (muscles, peri-osteum, etc.)) .
5720 uah
Surface excisional biopsy (removal of the whole formation (fibroma, lymph node) of subcutaneous formations)
2420 uah
Infantile removal or plastic reconstruction of prepuce (including the cases of phimosis)
17180 uah
Removal of anal fringes
5930 uah
Meckelectomy (surgery stage)
11220 uah
Removal of external formations (lipoma, atheroma) of the 1st category of difficulty
2550 uah
Removal of external formations (lipoma, atheroma) of the 2nd category of difficulty
3820 uah
Removal of an ovarian cyst (laparoscopically or in classic way)
19430 uah
Removal of mite
1480 uah
Removal of soft tissue masses of foot, hand
5880 uah
Removal of ungueal plate
1430 uah
Removal of papillomas of external genitalia
4800 uah
Removal of pilonidal sinuses using radio wave method
11170 uah
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 1st category of difficulty
690 uah
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 2nd category of difficulty
1380 uah
Bulau drainage of pleural cavity
5000 uah
Dressing is foldable
850 uah
Dressing is simple
650 uah
Incisional biopsy of the 2nd category
1530 uah
Removal of sutures
520 uah
Local anaesthesia
610 uah
Information about the doctor Vyshpinskyi Ihor Manoliiovych

Patient reviews of Vyshpinskyi Ihor Manoliiovych QR
Оцінка лікаря:
Оцінка рецепції
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor
Оцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаря
Impression of the clinic
Clinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression score
Overall impression

Спасибо огромное доктору за его золотые руки, правильный подход и человеческое отношение к маленьким клиентам. Доктор проявил себя как настоящий квалифицированный профессионал и человек с большой букв...

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Vyshpinskyi Ihor Manoliiovych

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