Information6 doctors13 clinics

The program "My child" (from a month to a year)

13 clinic(s)PediatricsFor babiesFor children (0 - 17)
The program "My child" (from a month to a year)

Services included in the package:

Laboratory general clinic diagnostics
  • Complete blood count
  • Clinical urine analysis
  • Coprogramme
Лікарський амбулаторний прийом
  • Pediatric orthopedic traumatologist consultation
  • Pediatric ophthalmologist consultation
  • Pediatric neurologist consultation
  • Consultation by paediatric physician
Сестринські процедури і маніпуляції
  • Provision of the pre-analytical stage in the study of venous blood
  • Provision of the pre-analytical stage in the study of feces
  • Provision of the pre-analytical stage in the study of urine

Doctors providing package services:

30experience (y.)
19experience (y.)
24experience (y.)
27experience (y.)
18experience (y.)
5experience (y.)

Clinics providing package services:

Package price:
The program "My child" (from a month to a year)
6720 uah

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The program "My child" (from a month to a year)

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2 clinics
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