Пан Владислав, ввічливий, чуйний лікар. Справжній професіонал. Розпитав в деталях симптоми. Уважно вислухав події які на мою думку передували симптомам. Призначив дообстеження і порадив що мені робити...
More text…For the comfort of patients, our specialists have developed profitable comprehensive programs for the prevention and detection of various diseases. It is possible to order on-site consultations of specialists at home.
The Dobrobut Clinic has implemented comprehensive programs for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorders), hyperactivity and developmental delays.
For children with emotional or behavioral disorders and their parents, psychological and psychiatric services are available: consultations with specialized specialists, psychological diagnostics, mental health assessment, comprehensive developmental diagnostics (social, emotional, psychomotor aspects), speech and social development classes, therapy, and others.
Licensed doctors work with children: a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a child psychiatrist. Group and individual sessions are available, based on a personalized approach to each child and the principles of evidence-based medicine.
All services at the center can be obtained in a comfortable environment without long waiting times. The center has a cozy recreation area.
Friendly and experienced staff will help you organize a visit to the doctor and provide detailed information about the work of the medical center. The absence of queues, pre-registration for an appointment at a convenient time with subsequent SMS notification will make your visit to the medical center truly comfortable.
The medical center is attended by a family doctor and narrow specialists: doctors of the highest and first categories, doctors and candidates of medical sciences with extensive practical experience and high theoretical training. The highly professional team uses modern international clinical protocols in treatment and diagnosis based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.
For adults:
For kids:
У центрі, який обладнаний ультрасучасним високоточним діагностичним устаткуванням від провідних світових виробників, є все необхідне для отримання своєчасної і точної діагностики. А також доступна можливість проведення всіх необхідних сучасних лабораторних досліджень.
У нас ви можете пройти такі дослідження:
Methods of physical rehabilitation - physical therapy is an integral part of patient rehabilitation to restore tone and efficiency of muscles that have lost strength, joint mobility, and normal movement patterns.
Our doctors will use evidence-based techniques to help you overcome or prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. They will conduct a consultation, therapeutic gymnastics, kinesiotherapy, therapeutic massage, reflexology, taping, and develop an individual treatment and recovery plan for you using modern rehabilitation equipment.
Vaccination is the only way to prevent many dangerous diseases. The specialists of the medical center will help you to draw up an individual vaccination schedule and check your health status before vaccination. We use only high-quality vaccines from leading world manufacturers.
The Dobrobut Clinic has implemented comprehensive preventive examination programs that provide a comprehensive picture of the health status of children and adults.
Our specialists have developed the annual program “First Steps of Health”. It is based on scheduled medical services for children of the appropriate age, from 1 to 17 years. Correctional and pedagogical services and psychological services.
The Dobrobut Clinic pays special attention to a comfortable and safe environment for children with special needs. The spaces for classes are arranged with the children's sensory characteristics in mind, which helps to reduce anxiety and improve the effectiveness of therapy. The programs involve close cooperation with parents - specialists provide recommendations for home support and child development outside the clinic.
The clinic also provides educational counseling for parents and guardians aimed at understanding the child's behavior, developing interaction skills, and strengthening emotional bonds. This approach allows us to create a holistic system of support for the child both in the medical and family environment, contributing to its harmonious development.
The Dobrobut clinic has implemented comprehensive programs for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorders), hyperactivity and developmental delays.
For children with emotional or behavioral disorders and their parents, psychological and psychiatric services are available: consultations with specialized specialists, psychological diagnostics, mental health assessment, comprehensive developmental diagnostics (social, emotional, psychomotor aspects), speech and social development classes, therapy, and others.
Licensed doctors work with children: a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a child psychiatrist. Group and individual sessions are available, based on a personalized approach to each child and the principles of evidence-based medicine.
Make an appointment
“Dobrobut” Medical Center for the whole family in Sofiivska Borshchahivka
Пан Владислав, ввічливий, чуйний лікар. Справжній професіонал. Розпитав в деталях симптоми. Уважно вислухав події які на мою думку передували симптомам. Призначив дообстеження і порадив що мені робити...
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Тетяна Анатоліївна - Лікар від Бога, найкращий лор-фахівець і чуйна добра людина❤️ Рекомендую💯
Все чітко і логічно пояснила, організовала проведення необхідних тестів
Дуже професійна і уважна лікарка. Звертала увагу на всі дрібниці і детально все пояснювала
Лікар була уважна та ввічлива. Добре провела огляд і все пояснила
MN «Dobrobut»