Primary rabiological consultation
Deep excisional biopsy (removal of the whole formation (neurinoma, lymph node) of deep formations (muscles, peri-osteum, etc.)) .
Meckelectomy (surgery stage)
Removal of external formations (lipoma, atheroma) of the 1st category of difficulty
Removal of external formations (lipoma, atheroma) of the 2nd category of difficulty
Removal of fecal boluses (coprolites) from the rectum
Removal of soft tissue masses of foot, hand
Removal of papillomas of external genitalia
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 1st category of difficulty
Removal of foreign body from soft tissues of the 2nd category of difficulty
Bulau drainage of pleural cavity
Drainage of superficial abscesses, hematomas
Removal of Scotchcast bandage
Removal of large plaster bandage
Removal of small plaster bandage
Catheterization of urinary bladder of men
Lingual frenum correction
Correction of plaster, scoth/softcast, turbocast dressing
Application of Scotchcast or Softcast bandage (dressing) (bandage cost excluded)
Application of large plaster splints (splints cost excluded)
Application of small plaster splints (splints cost excluded)
Suturation (no more than 5 items)
Surgery in case of ingrown nail
Initial surgical debridement
Re-consultation before anti-rabies vaccination
The program "My child" (from a month to a year)
Medical examination program "School" (from 5 to 17 years)
Radio wave removal of papillomas (1–5 items) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Revision of pyogenic surgical wound
Extended health check-up programme for pre-school age children (due to medical necessity)
Lancing of periproctous abscess
Lancing and draining of (deep) soft tissues abscess
Lancing of whitlow, axillary abscess
Lancing of superficial phlegmons, abscesses, furunculus
Surgical procedure on external ear
Medical examination program "School +"