Information about the doctor Bilga Svitlana Stepanivna
- Donetsk National Medical University of Maxim Gorky
Areas of professional development:
- pediatrician of the highest category;
- systematic attendance of various conferences, webinars and medical exhibitions;
- specialization courses on “General practice-family medicine” (Donetsk, Poltava);
- training in fitness center after Gadlishin on “Traditional massage” and “Massage in pediatrics” programs;
- specialization courses on “Physiotherapy and physiopuncture in clinic of internal and nervous diseases” (ИУВ Kyiv);
- thematic improvement courses on topical issues of pediatric cardiology, pulmonology and hematology (Donetsk National Medical University of Maxim Gorky);
- studying of medical periodicals.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- provision of advice for children of all age groups on vaccination, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in outpatient settings;
- management of one year old children, starting from neonatal period;
- advice on specifics of care, psychomotor development, breastfeeding and vaccination;
- preparation of individual physical rehabilitation programs.
- The most common complaints: infections, somatic diseases.
- ‘Each patient and each parent needs an individual approach. It is also important to consider patient’s age characteristics during pediatric examination.’
- ‘Patients are always worried about the questions “why?” and “what to do?”. Doctor’s task is to convey information about causes of a problem, its consequences and ways of solution. Also, a doctor should explain the purpose of recommendations prescribed.’
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- cardiology;
- adjacent to pediatrics branches.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- ‘In my free time I swim, visit theaters and cinemas. I am very fond of the works of Anton Chekhov as well as Ilf and Petrov.’
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- ‘The ability to devote sufficient time to a patient results in a quality examination.’