Information about the doctor Sudyk Svitlana Ivanivna
Work experience: 11 years
Category: Second
- Bogomolets National Medical University;
- Specialization “Children's infectious diseases”
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- thematic improvement “Topical issues of medicine during martial law”;
- participant of the scientific and practical conference “Infectious and parasitic diseases: Features of diagnosis and treatment”;
- participant of the congress of the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatric Specialties Prime Pediatrics;
- participant of seminars: “Infectious Diseases in the Period of Military Operations”, ‘PRO TORCH Infections’.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases in adults and children, including those transmitted by airborne droplets, intestinal and viral hepatitis;
- children's infectious diseases;
- vaccination of adults and children;
- preparation for pregnancy;
- diagnosis and treatment of infections and tropical diseases;
- prevention and treatment of infections, bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases;
- treatment of chronic viral hepatitis and borreliosis;
- treatment of TORCH infections, intestinal infections, helminth infections;
- treatment of bloodstream infections (vector-borne/non-vector-borne);
- treatment of respiratory tract infections and infections of the external integument.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- immunology
- psychiatry;
- nephrology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “I am interested in cooking, reading books on parenting and child psychology, and I like to watch TV shows on Netflix.”