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“Dobrobut” Multidisciplinary Hospital 24/7 on Mykoly Bazhana avenue

Nikolai Bazhan Avenue, 12-A, Kyiv
Mon-Fri: 8:00-21:00; Sat: 8:00-20:00; Sun: 9:00-20:00; The Emergency Department, the Inpatient Department, the Radiology Department and the Reception Department are open 24/7
On January 9, 2023, a new multidisciplinary medical center was opened at 12-A Mykola Bazhana Ave. where patients can receive any type of care, from diagnostics to complex surgical interventions.

Emergency Department

The department provides round-the-clock medical care for adult patients and children who have come to the hospital on their own or have been admitted by ambulance.

We apply a comprehensive approach when examining patients by specialists, including narrow-profile doctors, support by a general practitioner/pediatrician, intensive care physician, and diagnostics (tests, X-rays, CT, MRI). Laboratory tests can be ready on the day of the consultation, as the laboratory is located in the clinic. The most important test results for treatment can be obtained within 2 hours.

For patients in serious condition, emergency medical care is provided by intensive care physicians in the anti-shock ward.


The outpatient department for adults at Bazhana Hospital has 27 rooms, and the children's department has 11 rooms, and includes all the necessary medical specialisations.

Consultations of specialists

Outpatient care for adults is provided by specialists in the following specialisations:

  • general practitioner
  • family doctor
  • cardiologist
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • neurosurgeon
  • surgeon
  • orthopedic traumatologist;
  • obstetrician-gynaecologist;
  • allergist
  • immunologist
  • pulmonologist
  • rheumatologist
  • ophthalmologist
  • vascular surgeon;
  • dermatologist
  • neurologist
  • mammologist
  • oncologist
  • urologist
  • endoscopist
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • ultrasound diagnostics specialist.

Children are seen by the following doctors

  • paediatrician
  • otolaryngologist
  • surgeon
  • orthopedic traumatologist;
  • gynaecologist of adolescent and childhood age;
  • allergist
  • immunologist
  • rheumatologist
  • ophthalmologist
  • dermatologist
  • neurologist
  • urologist
  • ultrasound diagnostics doctor;
  • neurosurgeon;
  • infectious disease specialist.

In the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis can be made at the first consultation, as the clinic is equipped with the necessary diagnostic equipment and laboratory, and a number of specialists conduct consultations simultaneously with instrumental examination (urologists, gynecologists, phlebologists, proctologists, etc.).

Endoscopic diagnostics is carried out in a separate unit for maximum patient comfort. The endoscopy unit is equipped with an expert Pentax stand, which allows for screening diagnostics, diagnosis of oncological pathologies and complex endoscopic operations. The unit is capable of diagnosing adults and children in a state of medication sleep (under anaesthesia).


The following services are provided in the radiological diagnostics department: MRI, CT, X-ray, densitometry, mammography.

CT and MRI services can be performed for both adults and children in a state of medication sleep (anaesthesia). For safe MRI in a state of medication sleep (anaesthesia), we have magnetic equipment.

Special attention should be paid to the diagnostic test - densitometry, which is a quick, painless examination to measure the loss of bone density. This examination is relevant for people over 45 years old, especially women.

Same-day surgery centre

The Surgery Centre at Bazhana Hospital performs scheduled and emergency surgeries for adults and children. We adhere to the principle of fast track surgery, which ensures the shortest possible hospital stay. Often it can be within one day, when the operation is performed in the morning and the patient is discharged home in the evening.

Surgical care is provided in the following areas:

For adults:

  • surgery;
  • proctology;
  • orthopedics and traumatology;
  • otorhinolaryngology;
  • maxillofacial surgery;
  • urology;
  • phlebology;
  • gynaecology.

For children:

  • surgery;
  • orthopedics and traumatology;
  • otorhinolaryngology;
  • maxillofacial surgery;
  • urology.

In-patient department

The multidisciplinary inpatient department for adults and children is located on 2 floors and provides medical care around the clock.

The inpatient department has a multidisciplinary team of doctors and universal nurses who can provide the necessary medical care depending on the patient's needs and disease profile, and round-the-clock laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are available.

The inpatient wards (single rooms) have modern equipment, functional beds, medical consoles, individual medical ventilation and air conditioning systems. Patients are offered therapeutic nutrition from La Famiglia, developed by a nutritionist.

The intensive care unit provides care for patients in serious and extremely serious conditions and is equipped with modern equipment for monitoring and treating patients.

“Dobrobut” Multidisciplinary Hospital 24/7 on Mykoly Bazhana avenue
Nikolai Bazhan Avenue, 12-A, Kyiv
Mon-Fri: 8:00-21:00; Sat: 8:00-20:00; Sun: 9:00-20:00; The Emergency Department, the Inpatient Department, the Radiology Department and the Reception Department are open 24/7

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“Dobrobut” Multidisciplinary Hospital 24/7 on Mykoly Bazhana avenue

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Doctors who see at the clinic
37experience (y.)
Serhiienko Andrii Mykolaiovych
Serhiienko Andrii Mykolaiovych
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist
22experience (y.)
Serhiienko Viktoriia Valeriivna
Serhiienko Viktoriia Valeriivna
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist
6experience (y.)
Shynkaryk Mariia Petrivna
Shynkaryk Mariia Petrivna
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist
30experience (y.)
Tiazhka Nataliia Petrivna
Tiazhka Nataliia Petrivna
Ophthalmologist; Refractive surgeon
10experience (y.)
Ivniev Bohdan Borysovych
Ivniev Bohdan Borysovych
Ophthalmic surgeon, Laser surgeon
5experience (y.)
Atamanchuk Maryna Vasylivna
Atamanchuk Maryna Vasylivna
5experience (y.)
Berezhna Yelyzaveta Anatoliivna
Berezhna Yelyzaveta Anatoliivna
6experience (y.)
Dubova Viktoriia Viktorivna
Dubova Viktoriia Viktorivna
Ophthalmologist; Pediatric ophthalmologist
18experience (y.)
Marchenko Mariana Yuriivna
Marchenko Mariana Yuriivna
25experience (y.)
Romanovska Liubov Heorhiivna
Romanovska Liubov Heorhiivna
Pediatric ophthalmologist
26experience (y.)
Subbotina Viktoriia Romanivna
Subbotina Viktoriia Romanivna
Laser surgeon, retinologist, ophthalmologist
17experience (y.)
Selivanova Tetiana Anatoliivna
Selivanova Tetiana Anatoliivna
Dermatovenereologist; Oncodermatology; Pediatric dermatovenereologist
20experience (y.)
Avdieieva Vira Anatoliivna
Avdieieva Vira Anatoliivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Ultrasound doctor; Doctor of aesthetic gynecology
4experience (y.)
Novytska Yuliia Viktorivna
Novytska Yuliia Viktorivna
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who work in the clinic
Clinic`s services:
Removal of laryngeal neoplasms (papillomas in the throat, papillomas on the tonsils)
Removal of laryngeal neoplasms (papillomas in the throat, papillomas on the tonsils)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Determination of the level of prolactin (PRL)
Determination of the level of prolactin (PRL)
Comprehensive impedansometry
Comprehensive impedansometry
Ultrasound of the shoulder joint for children
Medical ultrasound
An ultrasound examination of the shoulder joint is a non-invasive diagnostic method used to assess shoulder structures in children and helps diagnose various conditions such as tendon injuries, bursitis, tendinitis, fractures, and dislocations.
Elbow joint ultrasound for children
Medical ultrasound
An ultrasound examination of the elbow joint in children is a modern diagnostic method offered in the "Dobrobut" medical network.
Knee joint ultrasound for children
Medical ultrasound
An ultrasound examination of the knee joint in children is an effective and safe diagnostic method offered in the "Dobrobut" medical network.
Ultrasound of the pleural cavities in children
Medical ultrasound
Ultrasound examination of the pleural cavities is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure used to assess the area around the lungs in children.
Ultrasound of lymph nodes in children
Medical ultrasound
Ultrasound examination of lymph nodes in children is an important diagnostic method available in the "Dobrobut" medical network.
Ultrasound of the scrotum organs in children
Medical ultrasound
Ultrasound examination of the scrotal organs is a non-invasive diagnostic technique used to assess structures within the scrotum, including the testicles, epididymis, and surrounding tissues.
Ultrasound of the mammary glands in children
Medical ultrasound
Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands in children is a diagnostic procedure conducted in the "Dobrobut" medical network by specialists with extensive experience.
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Comments about “Dobrobut” Multidisciplinary Hospital 24/7 on Mykoly Bazhana avenue

Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Ретельний огляд та аналіз досліджень. Чіткі, конкретні та зрозумілі рекомендації

– Черепков Ігор25.03.2025
Ігоре, дякуємо за ваш відгук. Нам важлива ваша думка.З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Дуже уважний і талановитий лікар. Роз'яснив ситуацію та призначив лікування. Рекомендую

– Patient of MM Dobrobut25.03.2025
Дякуємо за ваш відгук. Високо цінуємо вашу довіру і раді були допомогти 😉З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Дякую за змістовну роботу. До зустрічі

– Желєзко25.03.2025
Дякуємо за ваш відгук. Раді, що ви задоволені нашою роботою. Якщо у вас виникнуть ще питання або потреби, не соромтеся звертатися до нас. Будемо чекати на зустріч.З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor
Comments about: Kalyta Iryna Mykolaivna

Лікарка, якій ми довіряємо вже понад 15 років.

– Леся25.03.2025
Леся, дякуємо за вашу довіру! Були раді допомогти вам і з радістю продовжимо надавати якісні медичні послуги ще багато років!З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Дякую найпрофесійнішему лікарю!

– Ганна Будівська25.03.2025
Ганна, дякуємо за Ваш відгук! Були раді допомогти!З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Приїхала на консультацію

– Порекомендую Інна25.03.2025
Інна, дякуємо за те, що обрали нашу клініку для консультації. Були раді допомогти!З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут
Licenses, Certificates, Accreditations

MN «Dobrobut»

Лицензия «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Лицензия «Добробут-Стационар»
Лицензия «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Лицензия «Добробут-Патронаж»
Сертификат «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»