Ретельний огляд та аналіз досліджень. Чіткі, конкретні та зрозумілі рекомендації
The department provides round-the-clock medical care for adult patients and children who have come to the hospital on their own or have been admitted by ambulance.
We apply a comprehensive approach when examining patients by specialists, including narrow-profile doctors, support by a general practitioner/pediatrician, intensive care physician, and diagnostics (tests, X-rays, CT, MRI). Laboratory tests can be ready on the day of the consultation, as the laboratory is located in the clinic. The most important test results for treatment can be obtained within 2 hours.
For patients in serious condition, emergency medical care is provided by intensive care physicians in the anti-shock ward.
The outpatient department for adults at Bazhana Hospital has 27 rooms, and the children's department has 11 rooms, and includes all the necessary medical specialisations.
Outpatient care for adults is provided by specialists in the following specialisations:
Children are seen by the following doctors
In the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis can be made at the first consultation, as the clinic is equipped with the necessary diagnostic equipment and laboratory, and a number of specialists conduct consultations simultaneously with instrumental examination (urologists, gynecologists, phlebologists, proctologists, etc.).
Endoscopic diagnostics is carried out in a separate unit for maximum patient comfort. The endoscopy unit is equipped with an expert Pentax stand, which allows for screening diagnostics, diagnosis of oncological pathologies and complex endoscopic operations. The unit is capable of diagnosing adults and children in a state of medication sleep (under anaesthesia).
The following services are provided in the radiological diagnostics department: MRI, CT, X-ray, densitometry, mammography.
CT and MRI services can be performed for both adults and children in a state of medication sleep (anaesthesia). For safe MRI in a state of medication sleep (anaesthesia), we have magnetic equipment.
Special attention should be paid to the diagnostic test - densitometry, which is a quick, painless examination to measure the loss of bone density. This examination is relevant for people over 45 years old, especially women.
The Surgery Centre at Bazhana Hospital performs scheduled and emergency surgeries for adults and children. We adhere to the principle of fast track surgery, which ensures the shortest possible hospital stay. Often it can be within one day, when the operation is performed in the morning and the patient is discharged home in the evening.
Surgical care is provided in the following areas:
For adults:
For children:
The multidisciplinary inpatient department for adults and children is located on 2 floors and provides medical care around the clock.
The inpatient department has a multidisciplinary team of doctors and universal nurses who can provide the necessary medical care depending on the patient's needs and disease profile, and round-the-clock laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are available.
The inpatient wards (single rooms) have modern equipment, functional beds, medical consoles, individual medical ventilation and air conditioning systems. Patients are offered therapeutic nutrition from La Famiglia, developed by a nutritionist.
The intensive care unit provides care for patients in serious and extremely serious conditions and is equipped with modern equipment for monitoring and treating patients.
Make an appointment
“Dobrobut” Multidisciplinary Hospital 24/7 on Mykoly Bazhana avenue
Ретельний огляд та аналіз досліджень. Чіткі, конкретні та зрозумілі рекомендації
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