Medical library

Inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) - symptoms and treatment of the disease

Inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) - symptoms and treatment of the disease

Inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) - symptoms and treatment of the disease

8 ways to get rid of bloating before menstruation

8 ways to get rid of bloating before menstruation

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Inflammation of the inner ear - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Inflammation of the inner ear - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Inflammation of the inner ear - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Signs of stomach cancer in women and men. Treatment

Signs of stomach cancer in women and men. Treatment

Signs of stomach cancer in women and men. Treatment

Skin cancer

Skin cancer

The development of malignant neoplasia of the skin prevails in the light-skinned population, in particular - in blue-eyed and gray-eyed people with blond hair, redheads, as they are prone to sunburn and freckles. Women and men are affected with equal frequency, dark-skinned people are rarely affecte

Joint stiffness - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Joint stiffness - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Joint stiffness - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Papillomas in the throat - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Papillomas in the throat - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Herpes zoster

Herpes zoster

A Normal Menstrual Cycle: What Happens in Your Body?

A Normal Menstrual Cycle: What Happens in Your Body?

A Normal Menstrual Cycle: What Happens in Your Body?

Unpleasant body odor

Unpleasant body odor

Unpleasant body odor

***Import services/library/c-nejroinfekcia

***Import services/library/c-nejroinfekcia


Myths about varicose veins. Myth 3: varicose veins can only be treated surgically

Myths about varicose veins. Myth 3: varicose veins can only be treated surgically

Myths about varicose veins. Myth 3: varicose veins can only be treated surgically

State program for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities

State program for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities

"Pediatrics of Special Development" Center offers the complex program for the rehabilitation within the framework of the state program for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities in compliance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 309 as of 03/27/2019 "On the rehabi

How ADOS-2 testing is carried out

How ADOS-2 testing is carried out

ADOS-2 - for the presence of autism spectrum disorders for children and adults.

What is stenting?

What is stenting?

Stenting of coronary vessels is a minimally invasive intervention that allows you to restore the patency of narrowed coronary vessels due to atherosclerotic process.

Eye fatigue from the computer - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Eye fatigue from the computer - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Eye fatigue from the computer - symptoms and treatment of the condition

Adenotomy: removal of the adenoids

Adenotomy: removal of the adenoids

Adenoids are pathological changes in the pharyngeal tonsil located on the roof of the nasopharynx.



Innovative methods of modern medicine, with timely treatment, give the majority of patients with hydrocephalus a chance for a normal and long life.

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