Causes, forms and treatment of fistula A canal connecting an organ to the body surface or two cavities to each other is called a fistula. The main cause of its occurrence is a pathological process in the body. A fistula can also develop as a complication after surgery. Treatment of fistula is onl
Signs and treatment of dolichocolon in adults and children What is intestinal dolichocolon? This is a pathological condition in which one or more sections of the large intestine are elongated. The disease occurs in adults and children and is characterized by impaired evacuation function. Sympt
What to do in case of an attack of acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation of the pancreas accompanied by girdling pain in the upper abdomen. The disease is based on partial or complete necrosis of the organ. Emergency care for pancreatitis should begin with the treatment o
Acute, chronic subcutaneous paraproctitis: treatment Paraproctitis is an inflammation of the tissues around the rectum that is purulent in nature. The causes of the disease can be traumatic manipulations in the anal canal area, poor personal hygiene, and certain diseases, such as hemorrhoids or a