Hamartoma - what is it: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment Hamartoma is a benign neoplasm with predominant localization in the lungs. Retinal hamartoma and liver hamartoma are much less common. A benign tumor is a neoplasm without invasion of neighboring tissues, it grows slowly. Such tumors do no
First aid for hypovolemic shock Hypovolemic shock is a dangerous condition that occurs as a result of a decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the body. Causes of hypovolemic shock: blood loss burn disease; severe allergic reactions; gestosis polyuria; endocrine disorde
Causes and treatment of impotence in men Impotence in men is a pathology based on erectile dysfunction. This means that the penis cannot get an erection for some reason. Treatment of impotence in men is a difficult, lengthy process, which begins with finding out the cause of the development of su
Causes and symptoms of pheochromocytoma, diagnosis and treatment methods Patients diagnosed with pheochromocytoma look normal, so it is difficult to detect the disease. If a person's blood pressure rises sharply and injection pills do not help, the doctor may determine this as symptoms of phe
Pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of Itzen-Cushing's syndrome in humans Itzen-Cushing's syndrome (or hypercortisolism) is a pathology caused by excessive production of adrenal hormone. The disease is characterized by a variety of symptoms. Treatment of Itzenko-Cushing's syndrome in