Medical library

Treatment of congenital and acquired hydronephrosis in adults and children

Treatment of congenital and acquired hydronephrosis in adults and children

Treatment of congenital and acquired hydronephrosis in adults and children

Nocturia (nocturnal urination): causes, types, symptoms and methods of therapy

Nocturia (nocturnal urination): causes, types, symptoms and methods of therapy

Nocturia (nocturnal urination): causes, types, symptoms and methods of therapy

Acute and chronic kidney failure - treatment, emergency care

Acute and chronic kidney failure - treatment, emergency care

An autumn cold threatens complications: do not neglect the help of doctors!

An autumn cold threatens complications: do not neglect the help of doctors!

MRI of the brain, indications

MRI of the brain, indications

MRI of the brain, indications

Are fitness exercises useful for back and lower back pain?

Are fitness exercises useful for back and lower back pain?

Acute appendicitis in children

Acute appendicitis in children

Cellulite wrap on thighs: doing at home

Cellulite wrap on thighs: doing at home

Causes of cellulite. Why dystrophic changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue are more common in women. Cellulite treatment, methods. How to get rid of cellulite on legs and buttocks.

Basic principles of treatment of torticollis in infants

Basic principles of treatment of torticollis in infants

Muscular torticollis: clinical manifestations, treatment and preventive measures. Orthopedic pillow for torticollis: how to choose the right one. What young parents need to know about this pathology.


CT of liver, kidneys, adrenal capsules

CT of liver, kidneys, adrenal capsules

CT of liver, kidneys, adrenal capsules is required to detect some serious diseases. CT is a non-invasive procedure. The radiation exposure during a computerized tomography of kidneys is at low level and does not affect the patient's health significantly.

Pediatric ultrasound: what it is. Types of ultrasound examinations

Pediatric ultrasound: what it is. Types of ultrasound examinations

Ultrasound for children under one year of age: what every parent should know. What the preparation of a child for an ultrasound of abdominal cavity, brain, kidneys and examination of the hip joints include.

Treatment of cerebellar ataxia (impaired coordination of movements): drug therapy and exercise therapy complex

Treatment of cerebellar ataxia (impaired coordination of movements): drug therapy and exercise therapy complex

Causes of impaired coordination of movements in adults and children. Types of ataxia and symptoms of the disease. Disturbances in coordination of movements with brain damage in the elderly


Cystic fibrosis - what is this disease: causes, symptoms, treatment

Cystic fibrosis - what is this disease: causes, symptoms, treatment

Causes of cystic fibrosis of the lungs. Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in newborns: neonatal screening and genetic testing. Methods of treatment for lesions of the respiratory and digestive systems.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of polycystic ovaries

Causes, symptoms and treatment of polycystic ovaries

Why does polycystic ovaries develop? Symptoms of the disease, as manifested by polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. General principles of pathology treatment. Diet for polycystic ovaries.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of thrush in a woman. List of antifungal drugs

Causes, symptoms and treatment of thrush in a woman. List of antifungal drugs

Causes of thrush in a woman. Signs of candidiasis of the vagina, occurring in an acute form. How is the chronic form of thrush. How to get rid of thrush - a list of drugs

What body temperature is considered normal and what are the norms for its increase

What body temperature is considered normal and what are the norms for its increase

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