Symptoms and treatment of Bekhterev's disease in men and women Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis in men and women, its treatment and prevention are one of the most important problems in modern traumatology and orthopedics. The pathology is also called Strümpel-Bechterev-Marie disease, o
Knee hemarthrosis - causes of development, symptoms, treatment Knee hemarthrosis is a disease characterized by hemorrhage into the joint cavity. Lack of treatment leads to complications in the form of inflammatory processes, suppuration - surgical intervention may be necessary. The sooner treatme
Symptoms of heel spurs, treatment methods A heel spur is the formation of a bone growth on the tuberosity of the heel bone, which causes discomfort when walking. The disease is most often diagnosed in women under the age of 45. The causes of heel spurs and predisposing factors are as follows