Articles on neonatology

Why the nose is constantly stuffy. Features, methods of treatment
Why the nose is constantly stuffy. Features, methods of treatment

Why the nose is constantly stuffy. Methods of treatment Everyone has experienced the condition when it is impossible to inhale and exhale through the nose. Some people live with it for years. Why does your nose constantly get stuffy, even if you have no runny nose or other nasal disorders? How ca

Emergency care and qualified treatment of open pneumothorax
Emergency care and qualified treatment of open pneumothorax

First aid for spontaneous pneumothorax and treatment Pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition characterized by the presence of air in the pleural cavity. Pneumothorax can be spontaneous (spontaneous), iatrogenic and traumatic. The consequences of traumatic pneumothorax include hemothorax, rec

Neurosonography of the brain in newborns - indications for conducting, decoding standards
Neurosonography of the brain in newborns - indications for conducting, decoding standards

Neurosonography of the brain in newborns Neurosonography (ultrasound) of the brain is an examination performed in early infancy, when the baby's fontanel has not yet closed. This is one of the safest examination methods, but it should be performed only as prescribed by a doctor. The fact is t

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