He’s an ordinary person in the crowd. No halo, no medals. Rushing to work. To a place where a unique kind of magic happens every day, because, like a wizard, he restores people’s mobility in just a few hours. Yes, those people in that crowd, who sometimes suddenly feel pain and find it i
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Causes, symptoms and treatment of pulmonary embolism Thromboembolism is a pathological condition that develops as a result of blockage of the vessel lumen by a blood clot. If this happens in the lungs, blood stops flowing to a separate part of the pulmonary artery, which subsequently leads to the
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This page is still under development. If you feel unwell or notice concerning symptoms, please consult a doctor.
How is a classic venectomy performed, what sparing options for a standard operation in the treatment of varicose diseases exist in our time. How is the postoperative period
What preventive measures should be taken to minimize the risk of developing varicose veins. Phlebologist's practical tips for maintaining the health of your legs
Let's talk about a common misconception that concerns the consequences of the operation. The most common question patients ask is: When you remove a vein, do other veins get loaded afterward and then reappear?
What you need to know the patient before the procedure of sclerotherapy. How to prepare, how is sclerotherapy performed and how is recovery after sclerotherapy
The most common method, which is currently the "gold standard" for the treatment of varicose veins around the world, is the method of endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). It may also be called ablation (EVLA) or coagulation (EVLT)
Venectomy (phlebectomy) - about the shortcomings of old methods of dealing with varicose veins and alternative ways to get rid of problems with the blood vessels of the lower extremities
Sclerotherapy: indications, method of the procedure. Microsclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, echo sclerotherapy and other types. Frequently asked questions about the procedure are answered by surgeon-phlebologist Gerasimov V.V.
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Venous thromboembolic complications (VTC) is a term that combines three acute vascular pathologies characterized by blood clots. These conditions include acute thrombophlebitis or varicothrombophlebitis (AF or VTC), deep vein thrombosis or acute venous thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolism (PE).
Once appeared, varicose veins never disappear on their own, they only increase over time. At the same time, complaints intensify, venous circulation disorders progress unnoticed by the patient, leading to the development of complications.
Many people know about varicose veins. Let's look at the most common myths of patients about varicose veins that prevent them from seeking help from a specialist in time.
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