Medical library

Causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous, symptoms and treatment
Causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous, symptoms and treatment

Signs and symptoms of cervical erosion - true and pseudo-erosion. What to do with cervical erosion during pregnancy, prevention, prognosis

Types, causes, treatment of developmental delay in preschoolers
Types, causes, treatment of developmental delay in preschoolers

Types, causes, treatment of developmental delay in preschoolers

How to diagnose and treat opisthorchiasis in adults and children
How to diagnose and treat opisthorchiasis in adults and children

Symptoms of opisthorchiasis in adults, what kind of disease is it. Features of the course in childhood. Analysis for opisthorchiasis as part of the diagnosis. Treatment of opisthorchiasis

Signs and treatment of uterine fibroids. How to remove large fibroids
Signs and treatment of uterine fibroids. How to remove large fibroids

Types of uterine fibroids. Causes of subserous fibroids and other types of pathology. Symptoms, methods of treatment. How to treat fibroids with menopause in women

Microsclerotherapy of vascular "asterisks, reticulum, spiders"
Microsclerotherapy of vascular "asterisks, reticulum, spiders"

Treatment of telangiectasias, reticular varicose veins using microsclerotherapy (sclerotherapy of microvessels - capillaries), which is an effective, safe and painless method of treating spider veins

First aid for stenotic laryngotracheitis in children
First aid for stenotic laryngotracheitis in children

How to treat chronic laryngotracheitis in a child - pediatrician's recommendations. How many days does the temperature last with acute and chronic laryngotracheitis. Prevention, prognosis

Consequences of birth cephalohematoma in the future - important information for parents
Consequences of birth cephalohematoma in the future - important information for parents

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

The main symptoms and causes of toxic pulmonary edema
The main symptoms and causes of toxic pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema is a life-threatening condition requiring urgent hospitalization and emergency care

The main causes of high blood cholesterol in women after 50 years
The main causes of high blood cholesterol in women after 50 years

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Removal of antennae in women. Fighting hirsutism
Removal of antennae in women. Fighting hirsutism

Causes of hirsutism in girls. Diagnosis of hirsutism. Medical therapy for hirsutism. How to cure idiopathic hirsutism. Cosmetic procedures and hardware hair removal.

Angiography of cerebral vessels - important information for patients
Angiography of cerebral vessels - important information for patients

What is MRI angiography of the arteries. What is the price of MSCT angiography of the lower extremities. What patients need to know about the study. Preparation, interpretation of the results and recommendations of doctors.

Causes of cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes, methods of treatment
Causes of cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes, methods of treatment

Causes of cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes, methods of treatment

Flebologiceskaa skazka
Flebologiceskaa skazka

In the thirtieth kingdom, in the yellow-blue state, three sisters and a brother lived.

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