Spilled peritonitis in adults: clinical manifestations and diagnosis

Spilled peritonitis in adults: clinical manifestations and diagnosis

Main symptoms of abdominal peritonitis

Peritonitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the abdominal cavity. The disease can be aseptic or bacterial. Symptoms of abdominal peritonitis are divided into general and local. The former include abdominal muscle tension, pain and symptoms of peritoneal irritation. The local ones will be discussed below.

The main types of peritonitis:

  • by localization: local, general and diffuse;
  • by the type of pathogen: streptococcal, staphylococcal, mixed form and caused by Escherichia coli;
  • by the cause of occurrence: postoperative, traumatic, perforation, hematogenous and inflammatory;
  • by origin: infectious and aseptic;
  • by clinical course: acute, subacute, and fulminant.

Peritonitis after appendicitis belongs to the abdominal form.

Disease development and causes

The rate of development and severity of the disease depend on the presence of factors that can provoke it, the general condition of the body, and the pathogenic flora. The main points of peritonitis development are: lowering of pressure, shortness of breath, tachycardia. Impaired intestinal motility leads to dehydration and loss of electrolytes. In parallel with intoxication, auto-intoxication begins to develop. With weakened immunity and high pathogenicity of the microorganism, peritonitis becomes diffuse or widespread.

The causes of primary peritonitis include liver disease, cirrhosis, and renal failure.

Factors provoking secondary peritonitis:

  • perforation of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder (biliary peritonitis);
  • pelvic inflammation and pancreatitis;
  • appendix rupture;
  • gynecological inflammation of the upper genital tract;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • Surgical operations and procedures in the abdominal cavity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, including diverticulum and Crohn's disease.

Infectious peritonitis is caused by a bacterial infection. The non-infectious form of the disease is caused by irritants such as bile and blood.

The signs of acute peritonitis in children will be discussed in the corresponding section.

Stages of peritonitis

Symptoms of the disease largely depend on the underlying cause. Based on this, clinical manifestations are very diverse. There are several stages of peritonitis, depending on the time of onset of symptoms.

The reactive stage develops on the first day. It is characterized by severe pain, which can be clearly localized at first. Over time, the pain subsides slightly, spreading throughout the abdomen. In case of organ perforation and appendicitis, the pain is extremely acute. In addition to pain, the patient is disturbed by nausea, vomiting (first with water, then with bile) and thirst. Gray complexion, cold sweat, and a discoid abdomen are symptoms of spilled peritonitis in adults.

The toxic stage develops on the third day. The clinic is growing. Microcirculation is impaired, which is manifested by cyanotic fingers and toes. Symptoms of dehydration appear. Consciousness is confused.

In the classification of peritonitis by stages, the last place is occupied by thermal or irreversible. The patient's condition is extremely severe: severe dehydration, respiratory distress, sharpened features (Hippocratic face), no pulse in the peripheral vessels. As a rule, such a patient is in the intensive care unit.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Peritonitis begins abruptly: there is acute pain, chills, fever, abdominal distension, bloating, tension of the abdominal muscles, tachycardia and shortness of breath. Vomiting that does not bring relief, impaired bowel movements, and the Shotkin-Blumberg symptom are characteristic (at the moment of abrupt removal of the hand from the abdominal cavity, abdominal pain increases).

Diagnosis begins with anamnesis and a thorough examination. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the abdomen. A patient with peritonitis is characterized by a posture - lying curled up, not allowing anyone to touch the abdomen. Additional research methods include a complete blood count and urine test, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity (ultrasound), computerized diagnostics (CT), X-ray and abdominal puncture.

Postoperative local peritonitis, as a rule, does not cause difficulties in diagnosis.

Signs of acute peritonitis in children

Peritonitis in a child has a number of features. The reason is not fully formed systems and organs. In children, the general condition deteriorates first of all. Local symptoms are vague. Clinical manifestations include fever over 38 degrees, anxiety (lethargy), impaired bowel movements, repeated vomiting, cyanotic skin tone and the addition of local symptoms.

You can find more information on our website https://dobrobut.com/. Our consultants will help you make an appointment with a specialist and answer all your questions. The consequences of peritonitis complications in children will be discussed below.

Treatment of peritonitis

Treatment of acute peritonitis is carried out in a hospital and depends on the causes that caused it. As a rule, this is a surgical intervention, the main purpose of which is to eliminate infected tissues (exudate), isolate the source of infection and sanitize the abdominal cavity. Surgery for purulent peritonitis is performed on an emergency basis.

In the postoperative period, the patient is under constant medical supervision. The reason for this is the scale of the intervention, general anesthesia during the operation and the patient's condition. The main directions of postoperative therapy are detoxification of the body, restoration of intestinal function and correction of metabolic disorders.

The prognosis of the disease depends on the cause, intensity and duration of clinical manifestations, the extent of the surgical intervention and the condition of the body. The outcome ranges from complete recovery to death.

By contacting the counseling center of the Dobrobut clinic, you will receive professional help in the right direction. Stages of recovery after treatment of viral peritonitis, prevention of the disease, nonspecific symptoms in children and first aid - all these questions will be answered by doctors of the highest category.

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Updated: 28.03.2025
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