Causes of hypokinesia, treatment of decreased motor activity
Bradycardia is a heart rate less than 60 beats per minute.
Causes, symptoms and treatment of stuttering in teenagers, children and adults
What to do in case of an attack of acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation of the pancreas accompanied by girdling pain in the upper abdomen. The disease is based on partial or complete necrosis of the organ. Emergency care for pancreatitis should begin with the treatment o
What sensory polyneuropathy is, its main symptoms. What medications are the most effective for the treatment of alcohol-related polyneuropathy. Detailed information on treatment and prevention of the disease.
Strengthening immunity in children. Ways and methods
What videocolonoscopy is and how it is performed. Which conditions require colonoscopy. Preparation for videocolonoscopy. How the examination is performed. When a sedation is required
Medicines and ointments for boils: effectiveness and use. Antibiotics for furunculosis: in what cases should they be taken and why. Doctors' recommendations.
Treatment of corns and removal of corns. Conservative and radical methods of treatment. Getting rid of calluses with a rod. The modern method is laser therapy.
Polyarteritis nodosa: clinical guidelines. Features of the disease
Why do you need to do fluorography once a year - the opinion of a practitioner. Is it possible for breastfeeding women to do fluorography and how x-rays affect the quality and quantity of breast milk
What is an arteriovenous shunt, its causes and consequences. Symptoms are general and local. Surgery for arteriovenous fistula when therapeutic treatment is possible
Fibromyalgia is a neurological disease characterized by referred pains in muscles and fascia.
Protrusion of intervertebral discs is one of the most common diseases today.
The disease of viral rhinopharyngitis during pregnancy - clinical manifestations, features of therapy. What drugs for atrophic rhinopharyngitis will have the maximum effect
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While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.