Prevention and treatment of acute pancreatitis: information for patients

Prevention and treatment of acute pancreatitis: information for patients

What to do in case of an attack of acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation of the pancreas accompanied by girdling pain in the upper abdomen. The disease is based on partial or complete necrosis of the organ. Emergency care for pancreatitis should begin with the treatment of pain syndrome.

Classification of the disease by origin:

  • nutritional and alcoholic - most often occurs on the background of alcohol intoxication in men aged 25 to 40 years;
  • gastrogenic - develops against the background of chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • vascular pancreatitis is based on a deterioration in the blood supply to the gland itself. The disease affects the elderly;
  • infectious pancreatitis is caused by microbes and viruses;
  • biliary form develops as a result of biliary tract diseases. Mostly women are affected;
  • toxic-allergic pancreatitis is a consequence of taking certain medications, toxins, including heavy metal salts.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis is usually carried out in the surgical department.

What can provoke the disease

Among the factors are: excessive alcohol consumption, inflammatory diseases of the duodenum, hormonal disorders, abdominal injuries (wounds), side effects of certain drugs (antibiotics, estrogens, antitumor drugs), pathology of the pancreatic ducts. Vascular diseases, worms, metabolic disorders, and biliary surgery can also be a trigger for the development of the disease. Read more about the symptoms of pancreatitis in adults.

Clinical manifestations

The acute form is characterized by severe oesophageal pain that radiates to the left shoulder blade and clavicle, vomiting that does not bring relief, dizziness, tachycardia, weakness, and impaired bowel movements. The temperature depends on the stage of pancreatitis. If in the first two days it is normal (except for acute cholangiopancreatitis and cholecystopancreatitis), then from the third day it rises. The characteristic symptoms of the disease include cyanotic spots all over the body caused by circulatory disorders.

There are four stages of acute pancreatitis: enzymatic, reactive, purulent complications, and outcome.

The enzymatic (early) stage lasts for the first five days. It is characterized by severe symptoms of intoxication.

Reactive begins on the 7th day of the disease. It lasts 7-10 days. It is manifested by fever and gastric symptoms.

Period of purulent complications. Foci of necrosis become infected, the bacterial process spreads to neighboring organs. Bleeding is possible.

Conclusion. In case of mild inflammation, recovery lasts about 3 weeks, in case of severe inflammation - from a month to two.

Medications for pancreatitis are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication can be fatal.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis exacerbation

Diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations, laboratory test results and additional examination methods.

Symptoms. Severe pain, uncontrollable vomiting, tachycardia, impaired bowel movements, weakness, bloating.

Laboratory tests. Complete blood count - an increase in the number of leukocytes, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and a decrease in hematocrit. Biochemistry - a sharp increase in amylase and lipase, a decrease in total protein, an increase in urea, a decrease in calcium, potassium and sodium levels. General urine analysis - an increase in amylase. Note that a blood test is very important in case of suspected pancreatitis attack.

Additional examinations. Ultrasonography of the pancreas - enlargement of the gland, uneven contours, heterogeneous echogenicity. MRI - presence of foci of necrosis and ischemia. Additional methods for diagnosing exacerbation of pancreatitis include computed tomography (CT), X-ray and diagnostic laparoscopy.

You can find more information on our website You can make an appointment for a consultation at the clinic at a time convenient for you. Our doctors will help you decide on the examination methods and tell you what to do in case of an acute pancreatitis attack.


Acute pancreatitis is treated in the surgical department. The treatment regimen is individualized and depends on the cause, stage, clinical manifestations and condition of the patient.

Drug treatment:

  • Anesthesia (intravenous administration of analgesics, novocaine blockade);
  • drugs that improve microcirculation (hemodesis, rheopolyglucin);
  • medications to reduce the production of pancreatic enzymes (Contrical, Gordox);
  • drugs to restore electrolytes;
  • antibacterial drugs (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin).

Particular attention should be paid to diet in acute pancreatitis of the pancreas.

If the disease has progressed to the stage of purulent complications, surgical treatment is recommended. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Prevention of pancreatitis

Prevention of the disease is based on the rejection of alcohol and unhealthy food. Follow the diet, monitor your weight, treat inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract in time and undergo an annual preventive examination in the clinic. Avoid fatty, fried foods and fast food. Prevention of pancreatitis is feasible physical activity, good nutrition, timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and the implementation of all doctor's recommendations.

There is no definite answer to the question “Can pancreatitis be cured?”. It all depends on the form of the disease (acute or chronic), stage, age and general condition of the patient. Make an appointment for a consultation at the Dobrobut Medical Center and get answers to all your questions. Reception is conducted by doctors of the highest category.

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Updated: 28.03.2025
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