Why does polycystic ovaries develop? Symptoms of the disease, as manifested by polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. General principles of pathology treatment. Diet for polycystic ovaries.
Leriche syndrome. Treatment. Leriche syndrome is a blood flow disorder in the lower extremities that occurs with severe narrowing or complete blockage of the abdominal aorta at the site of its bifurcation into the iliac arteries. Until recently, the pathology was most often diagnosed in men aged
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Roseola is a viral disease, accompanied by a three-day fever and a small rash.
Causes of thrush in a woman. Signs of candidiasis of the vagina, occurring in an acute form. How is the chronic form of thrush. How to get rid of thrush - a list of drugs
Endovascular surgery - definition, essence of the method. Where is endovascular surgery used? Advantages over other surgical methods. Features of the postoperative period
Hypogonadism is associated with a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones. There are primary and secondary hypogonadism. Hypogonadism is treated with hormone replacement therapy
Many people know about varicose veins. Let's look at the most common myths of patients about varicose veins that prevent them from seeking help from a specialist in time.
What body temperature is considered normal and what are the norms for its increase…
How to survive the heat without harming your health Summer heat is harmful to health, as even a short-term exposure to the scorching sun can lead to dizziness, nausea, and a sharp increase in blood pressure and intracranial pressure, even in a healthy person. How can those with cardiovascular pro
Signs and symptoms of cervical erosion - true and pseudo-erosion. What to do with cervical erosion during pregnancy, prevention, prognosis
Types, causes, treatment of developmental delay in preschoolers
Symptoms of opisthorchiasis in adults, what kind of disease is it. Features of the course in childhood. Analysis for opisthorchiasis as part of the diagnosis. Treatment of opisthorchiasis
Penile cancer is a rare pathology. Among the malignant tumors of the penis, squamous cell carcinoma is the most common (94%), which is localized on the glans or foreskin. Other forms of tumors are rare (6% of all cases). Speaking of localization, cancer of the glans is registered in 48% of cases, an
Types of uterine fibroids. Causes of subserous fibroids and other types of pathology. Symptoms, methods of treatment. How to treat fibroids with menopause in women
Treatment of telangiectasias, reticular varicose veins using microsclerotherapy (sclerotherapy of microvessels - capillaries), which is an effective, safe and painless method of treating spider veins
Hollow foot syndrome - what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment Hollow foot is a pathological change in the arch characterized by an increase in its height. The disease is the antithesis of flat feet and most often occurs against the background of injuries and some problems in the neuromuscular