Medical library

What is an immunogram, why is an assessment of immune status indicators needed?
What is an immunogram, why is an assessment of immune status indicators needed?

An immunogram is a series of blood tests. Deciphering the immunogram is the task of a specialist. The study of the immune status in HIV infection is of great importance in the preparation of a treatment plan.

Bladder cystostomy in men and women. Definition, indications
Bladder cystostomy in men and women. Definition, indications

Cystostomy is the operation to create a cystostomy - a connection between the bladder and the external environment to divert urine.

CT of liver, kidneys, adrenal capsules
CT of liver, kidneys, adrenal capsules

CT of liver, kidneys, adrenal capsules is required to detect some serious diseases. CT is a non-invasive procedure. The radiation exposure during a computerized tomography of kidneys is at low level and does not affect the patient's health significantly.

What is hygroma. Treatment of cyst hygroma of the hand and other localizations
What is hygroma. Treatment of cyst hygroma of the hand and other localizations

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Tachycardia - how to reduce heart rate at home
Tachycardia - how to reduce heart rate at home

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Pregnancy planning - necessary examinations and recommendations of a gynecologist
Pregnancy planning - necessary examinations and recommendations of a gynecologist

Where to start planning pregnancy. Mandatory tests, the choice of vitamin therapy, the need to examine two partners. Diet to increase the chances of conception.

Pediatric ultrasound: what it is. Types of ultrasound examinations
Pediatric ultrasound: what it is. Types of ultrasound examinations

Ultrasound for children under one year of age: what every parent should know. What the preparation of a child for an ultrasound of abdominal cavity, brain, kidneys and examination of the hip joints include.

Darsonvalization in Kyiv
Darsonvalization in Kyiv

Darsonvalization is a physiotherapeutic procedure in which the human body is affected by alternating current pulses with high frequency at low voltage.

What to do if the voice of a child or an adult has disappeared
What to do if the voice of a child or an adult has disappeared

What to do if the voice is lost or hoarse?

Treatment of cerebellar ataxia (impaired coordination of movements): drug therapy and exercise therapy complex
Treatment of cerebellar ataxia (impaired coordination of movements): drug therapy and exercise therapy complex

Causes of impaired coordination of movements in adults and children. Types of ataxia and symptoms of the disease. Disturbances in coordination of movements with brain damage in the elderly

Breast cyst - causes, types and methods of treatment
Breast cyst - causes, types and methods of treatment

What is a breast cyst and why does it develop? Classification of neoplasms, symptoms. Methods of treatment - therapeutic, surgical.

Types of compression stockings by pressure class and knitting technology
Types of compression stockings by pressure class and knitting technology

Why do you need compression stockings? What diseases are compression indicated for? Compression knitwear for women and men. How to properly use compression stockings.

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