Causes and symptoms, therapeutic and surgical treatment of hollow foot

Causes and symptoms, therapeutic and surgical treatment of hollow foot

Hollow foot syndrome - what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

Hollow foot is a pathological change in the arch characterized by an increase in its height. The disease is the antithesis of flat feet and most often occurs against the background of injuries and some problems in the neuromuscular system. It is extremely rare for the disease to be diagnosed as hereditary. Hollow foot syndrome is treated conservatively in case of early visit to a doctor, in severe cases only surgical treatment will help.

Causes of the disease

Doctors believe that the disease begins as a result of improperly fused fractures of the foot and against the background of muscle imbalance in the foot and lower leg. The following pathologies of the neuromuscular system can lead to the formation of a hollow foot

  • Muscular dystrophy;
  • meningitis and meningoencephalitis;
  • poliomyelitis
  • spinal dysraphia;
  • syringomyelia;
  • Friedreich's ataxia.

In 20% of diagnosed cases of hollow foot, the cause of development cannot be determined.

Symptoms of pathology

An early symptom is discomfort when walking, fatigue and pain in the problematic lower limb. Patients emphasize that it is becoming more and more difficult for them to choose shoes - the deformation of the foot does not allow wearing classic models, and in advanced cases makes it almost impossible. As the disease progresses, a person's gait changes and foot sensitivity decreases.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out as follows:

  • the doctor examines the foot and measures the height of the arch;
  • X-ray of the foot and plantography are prescribed (in case of early patient's visit, when changes cannot be determined by physical examination)
  • spine X-ray and general MRI are performed.

In most cases, an additional examination by a neurologist is performed. If no visible causes of hollow foot development are found, experts say that there is a high probability of a malignant neoplasm in the spine and the importance of examination by an oncologist.

Treatment of hollow foot

In case of early seeking medical care, treatment of hollow foot will consist of conservative therapy courses - massages, physical therapy, acupuncture and other physiotherapy. Such a scheme is effective in childhood or during the rehabilitation period after injuries, when there is a risk and the first signs of pathology development.

As part of conservative therapy, special shoes must be selected - with a hollow foot, it is important to reduce the load on the toes and heels. Such therapeutic shoes are available in different models, but with one condition - the inside of it is raised. Moreover, the samples are sewn literally to order, because a lot depends on the height of the arch curvature.

The most effective physiotherapeutic method is gymnastics. Rotation and flexion, extension and bending to the sides - these exercises for hollow feet eliminate pain, reduce discomfort when walking, and increase the efficiency of the muscular apparatus of the leg. With an integrated approach to solving the problem, when a visit to a specialist took place at an early stage of the disease, favorable prognoses are given in 98% of cases. You can make an appointment with the appropriate doctor to undergo an examination and confirm or deny the presence of this pathology on our website

Whether an operation is needed for a hollow foot is decided only by the doctor - such appointments are made if the disease is in an advanced form. In this case, it is performed:

  • osteostomy;
  • tendon transplantation;
  • removal of tarsus bones;
  • arthrodesis.

Most often, a combination of two surgical techniques (from the above) is used. The operations are performed under local anesthesia, the rehabilitation period includes all the therapeutic measures typical for the therapeutic correction of hollow foot.

Updated: 28.03.2025
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