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Computed tomography of the brain
Computed tomography of the brain

CT scan of the brain: indications and contraindications. Is there a health hazard from the study. What is the cost of the procedure and where can it be done?

Astrocytoma: definition, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
Astrocytoma: definition, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Anaplastic astrocytoma and other types of astrocytomas. Definition, symptoms, diagnosis. Surgery for astrocytoma. What treatment is prescribed after removal of an astrocytoma. Forecast.

Curettage of the cervical canal of the cervix and its cavity. Indications
Curettage of the cervical canal of the cervix and its cavity. Indications

Separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal. Indications, contraindications, consequences. How long do you need to stay in the hospital after curettage of the uterine cavity.

Why and when you need classes with a speech therapist. Directions of work of specialists
Why and when you need classes with a speech therapist. Directions of work of specialists

Why and when you need classes with a speech therapist. Directions of work of specialists

Superficial gastroduodenitis in children and adults - clinic, therapeutic therapy, prevention
Superficial gastroduodenitis in children and adults - clinic, therapeutic therapy, prevention

Gastroduodenitis with increased acidity of the stomach - symptoms, diagnostic measures, drug therapy. Diet menu for acute gastroduodenitis - recommendations of a dietitian.

His bundle branch block – causes of the disease
His bundle branch block – causes of the disease

His bundle branch block – causes, signs, pharmaceutical therapy and prognosis. Complete His bundle branch block of a child: information for parents

Ischemic stroke: causes, diagnosis, treatment
Ischemic stroke: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) occurs as a result of the cessation of nutrition of parts of the brain.

Features of caring for a premature baby
Features of caring for a premature baby

Pediatrician's advice for proper care of a premature baby in the first months of his life for a speedy recovery

Causes and symptoms of diarrhea. What and how to treat diarrhea in a child
Causes and symptoms of diarrhea. What and how to treat diarrhea in a child

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Types of cancer
Types of cancer

The term cancer in the majority of the population in everyday life is associated with the entire spectrum of malignant tumors that cause various oncological diseases. In the human body, it can develop from the epithelial cells of any organs and tissues.

Dysarthria - features of various forms, methods of diagnosis and treatment
Dysarthria - features of various forms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Causes of dysarthria in children and adults. Features of speech in various forms of dysarthria, treatment of pathology

Why is there a severe headache in the forehead: the main symptoms of a migraine
Why is there a severe headache in the forehead: the main symptoms of a migraine

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Dyslexia - definition, types, methods of correction
Dyslexia - definition, types, methods of correction

Dyslexia is a problem with mastering reading skills, which consists in persistent repetition of the same mistakes (replacement of sounds, their incorrect combination, etc.).

What you need to know about the diagnosis of fetoplacental insufficiency
What you need to know about the diagnosis of fetoplacental insufficiency

The main causes of placental insufficiency in pregnant women - information for patients. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency during pregnancy.

Symptoms and forms of lymphangitis, general principles of treatment
Symptoms and forms of lymphangitis, general principles of treatment

Symptoms and forms of lymphangitis, general principles of treatment

How is the EVLO procedure performed?
How is the EVLO procedure performed?

Endovasal laser coagulation (EVLK) - how the operation takes place, what are the consequences and possible complications. Professional EVLO is the key to the least traumatic postoperative period

Fracture of the nose with and without displacement - signs, treatment, surgery
Fracture of the nose with and without displacement - signs, treatment, surgery

Signs of a nose fracture with and without displacement. How is the severity of an injury determined? Therapeutic and surgical treatment. Features of surgery for a fracture of the nose with displacement.

Characteristics of neurorehabilitation and restorative medicine after a blood stroke
Characteristics of neurorehabilitation and restorative medicine after a blood stroke

What the neurorehabilitation after a blood stroke is. What aphasia, agnosia and apraxia are. Importance of timely rehabilitation after a blood stroke.

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