Treatment of protrusion of intervertebral discs of the spine and other regions

Treatment of protrusion of intervertebral discs of the spine and other regions

Protrusion of intervertebral discs is one of the most common diseases today. What is it, how protrusion arises in the sacral spine, how to treat protrusion of intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine: these and many other questions concern not only patients, but also everyone who takes care of own health.

The spine consists of individual vertebrae. They are mobile because of its muscles and ligaments, as well as intervertebral discs, which are elastic formations located between the vertebrae throughout the whole spine and act as a kind of shock absorbers during loads.

This structure of the intervertebral disc is preserved due to the active flow of blood, and that, in turn, is maintained due to active movements. Therefore, exercise therapy in case of protrusion of the vertebrae of the sacral region and other regions is applied not only to treat this pathology, but also to prevent it.

An abrupt decrease in motor activity affects the structure of an intervertebral disc: the composition of its tissues changes, the disc loses its initial elasticity. Besides, with a decrease in human motor activity, the muscles that normally support the spine weaken and lose the role of a corset for the spine, the vertebrae begin to press on each other. Under these circumstances, the nucleus of an intervertebral disc:

  • “is squeezed” out of the intervertebral space;
  • presses on the neurovascular bundles.

Often there are combined types of pathology - protrusions can be diagnosed in several segments of the spine (for example, protrusion of the thoracic spine and its lumbar spine).

Also, this pathology is classified according to the direction in which the nucleus of the disc has shifted. Knowledge of the process is important, because it depends on the amount of surgery for protrusion and its outcome. Most often, the terms that indicate such a gradation are unknown to persons without medical education. "Dorsal diffuse disc protrusion - what is it?" - A very reasonable question for patients. Therefore, based on the direction in which the pulpal nucleus has shifted from its normal location, there are:

Protrusion mainly occurs in cervical and lumbar spine. The thoracic spine is rarely affected because the ribs themselves create a rigid frame and the spine is better supported in this area than in others.

The symptoms of lumbosacral protrusion are the most common, because this spinal region feels the greatest load compared to other regions.

A displacement of the nucleus pulposus will not cause symptoms by itself. It occurs in the following cases:

  • the nucleus presses on a vessel and the nerves located in adjacent tissues;
  • a simultaneous inflammatory process.

Pains in case of the circular posterior disc protrusion will be the same as with cervical or thoracic one, the only difference is the localization of symptoms.

Disc dislocation is considered to be a non-reversible process. However, doctors do not hurry with a surgery and try non-surgical procedures first. The tasks of the treatment are as follows:

Gymnastics and massage are widely recognized for the treatment of protrusion. They help to slow down the destructive process in the tissues of an intervertebral disc.

Surgical treatment is often inefficient. Even if the protrusion is eliminated, it does not affect the state of an intervertebral disc in any way, in particular, it does not stop its destruction.

The most effective treatment for protrusion of intervertebral discs of the spine is the correction of a person’s lifestyle. Professionally designed sets of exercises helped more than one patient to return to their previous active lifestyle and avoid pain.

Article author: Pavel Nosulich, M.D.

Publication date: 21.04.2020

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