Medical library

Surgery for habitual dislocation of the shoulder: what the patient needs to know
Surgery for habitual dislocation of the shoulder: what the patient needs to know

Is it possible to treat habitual dislocation of the joint without surgery. Classification, symptoms and diagnosis of joint instability. Rehabilitation measures and prevention.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis in adults - causes, clinical manifestations, treatment
Rotavirus gastroenteritis in adults - causes, clinical manifestations, treatment

How to treat children's gastroenteritis - advice from a pediatrician. How long is the quarantine period for gastroenteritis in kindergarten. Preventive measures, disease prognosis

Tonsil lacunae lavage – performing methods, characteristics of the procedure
Tonsil lacunae lavage – performing methods, characteristics of the procedure

Why tonsil lavage is needed. Tonsil lavage techniques. Advantages and disadvantages of syringe and Tonsilor device usage. Contraindications for the procedure.

Indications for plastic surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint
Indications for plastic surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint

Cruciate ligament plasty surgery - indications, contraindications, complications, prognosis. Rehabilitation after cruciate ligament plastic surgery - what you need to pay attention to

Treatment of hormonal cycle failure in girls: do I need medicines
Treatment of hormonal cycle failure in girls: do I need medicines

Signs of hormonal imbalance in the body of women and men. Causes, symptoms and treatment of hormonal imbalance. How to restore hormonal failure after childbirth.

Causes and symptoms of psoriasis on the skin in adults and children
Causes and symptoms of psoriasis on the skin in adults and children

Causes and symptoms of psoriasis on the skin in adults and children

Causes of development, clinical picture and treatment of allergic rhinitis
Causes of development, clinical picture and treatment of allergic rhinitis

Why does allergic rhinitis occur? Treatments for chronic allergic rhinitis. Symptoms in children and adults. Signs of seasonal allergic rhinitis

How to treat kidney pyelonephritis. Symptoms, complications, risk groups
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis. Symptoms, complications, risk groups

Detection, treatment of pyelonephritis and its prevention requires specific knowledge.

Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea - definition. Causes, types and treatment.
Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea - definition. Causes, types and treatment.

What is amenorrhea, its types, clinical manifestations. Why does dysmenorrhea occur in girls and women. How to treat primary and secondary amenorrhea. Is it possible to get pregnant with amenorrhea.

Treatment of ethmoiditis in adults and children - conservative and surgical
Treatment of ethmoiditis in adults and children - conservative and surgical

Is it possible to cure chronic polypous ethmoiditis in a child. What antibiotics are most effective for acute purulent ethmoiditis. Methods of prevention, prognosis of the disease

Bladder and urinary tract cancer
Bladder and urinary tract cancer

Bladder cancer (BCC) develops from urothelial cells of the transitional cell epithelium and rarely extends beyond the mucosa.

Abdominal ultrasound. What is included in the procedure, features of its implementation
Abdominal ultrasound. What is included in the procedure, features of its implementation

landing:knopki-libraryUltrasound of the abdominal cavity - when the doctor sends the patient for examination, what are the features of the procedure, how to prepare for the study. Locations and cost of abdominal ultrasound

Balanced diet in case of cardiac diseases, restrictions
Balanced diet in case of cardiac diseases, restrictions

What to eat in case of stabbing pain in the heart: wholesome food, prohibited food. Diet in case of ischemic heart disease, special aspects of the meal schedule. Which restrictions are required.

Cellulite wrap on thighs: doing at home
Cellulite wrap on thighs: doing at home

Causes of cellulite. Why dystrophic changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue are more common in women. Cellulite treatment, methods. How to get rid of cellulite on legs and buttocks.

A brain tumor
A brain tumor

Brain cancer is the general name for brain malignancies that differ in degree of malignancy, prevalence in different age groups, histological features, and progression. Brain tumors can be either primary or secondary (metastatic

Causes and symptoms of gastric and duodenal ulcers. medication, diet
Causes and symptoms of gastric and duodenal ulcers. medication, diet

Causes and symptoms of gastric and duodenal ulcers. medication, diet

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