Causes, signs of tubal obstruction, diagnostics, treatment

Causes, signs of tubal obstruction, diagnostics, treatment

The infertility of the fallopian tubes is the lack of their full lumen, which creates unfavorable conditions for fertilization of the egg and its further movement. Treatment of fallopian tube obstruction is really one of the serious problems in gynecology. Nosology is often found in healthy women under 30 years of age.

Although ovulation with uterine obstruction is preserved, the following unpleasant processes are observed:

  • the sperm does not enter the egg, fertilization does not occur;
  • if the egg is fertilized, it can sink directly into the tubular wall - hence the ectopic pregnancy.

The described processes do not manifest themselves in any way. The woman does not guess about them, there are simply no symptoms of uterine obstruction.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is:

  • by localization - unilateral or bilateral;
  • by the severity of obstruction - partial, complete;
  • for reasons - anatomical and that arose due to physiological factors.

Anatomical causes of nosology - the absence of one or both tubes, their congenital underdevelopment, partial or complete blockage of the lumen. Physiological factors are the deterioration of the tone of the tube, the inflexibility of its muscular layer, the deterioration of motor activity of the cilia or the chaotic nature of their actions. The reasons for complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes can be both anatomical and physiological.

  • infectious-inflammatory impressions - enteritis and colitis, appendicitis, pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum, which lines the pelvic walls and covers the pelvic organs). Therefore, to understand how to treat fallopian tube obstruction, it is important to consult related specialists;
  • endometriosis;
  • trauma to the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes - in particular in the careless performance of medical manipulations;
  • compression by tumors, hematomas, abscesses;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • violation of the innervation of the fallopian tubes;
  • congenital malformations. In this case, signs of fallopian tube obstruction can be detected in young girls.
  • hysteroscopy;
  • repeated attempts at in vitro fertilization (IVF);
  • operations - most often for ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, appendix pathology, peritonitis.

Scars and adhesions are a direct indication for surgery in the diagnosis of fallopian tube obstruction. Also a common cause of obstruction is severe swelling of the mucous membrane of the tubes.

By itself, obstruction of the fallopian tubes does not cause any extraordinary sensations. The only complaint of patients that can indicate obstruction is the inability to conceive even with increased sexual activity.

Is it possible to cure fallopian tube obstruction if there is no clinic, and therefore an understanding of what exactly needs to be treated? It is important to focus on the fact that patients may complain of changes due to the disease that provokes obstruction. Vigilance should be caused by:

If the tubular lumen is preserved at least partially, if the fallopian tubes are blocked, you can get pregnant, but there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. Its main features:

  • in the early stages - the absence of menstruation, pulling-aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • during pregnancy 5-6 weeks - acute abdominal pain due to excessive stretching, and then rupture of the tube, severe bleeding, significant deterioration until collapse and fainting.

To eliminate uterine obstruction, first of all, it is necessary to treat diseases that have stimulated its development. They should be stopped as early as possible so that degeneration processes do not develop in the fallopian tubes.

  • hormonal drugs;
  • vitamins. The success of treatment of uterine tube obstruction depends on the correctness of tissue processes, which help to restore vitamin complexes;
  • calcium and magnesium preparations;
  • immunotherapy;
  • physiotherapeutic methods - electrophoresis with microelements, electrostimulation, balneotherapy, special gynecological massage.

If the tubes have developed structural changes, then apply surgical treatment, its specificity depends on the causes and severity of obstruction. It may be:

  • removal of tumor foci and abscesses;
  • laparoscopic restoration of the lumen of the tubes;
  • plastic pipes to restore their patency.

After plastic surgery of the fallopian tubes, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases.

Also widely practiced method of in vitro fertilization (IVF) - pregnancy with obstruction of the fallopian tubes can occur with one attempt, and with several. Indications for IVF:

  • inability to conceive within 1-1.5 years after surgery for obstruction - in particular in patients older than 40 years;
  • complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Article writer - Natalya Korkh

Date of publication 16.02.2021

Updated: 11.03.2025
1.7К views
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