Medical library

Lidney cancer
Lidney cancer

Determination of malignant tumors from cels of the renal tissue occurs in 2-3% of cases of the total number of registered oncological diseases. People in the 40 to 60 age range are more at risk

Symptoms and first aid for false croup in a child
Symptoms and first aid for false croup in a child

Symptoms and first aid for false croup in a child

Intestinal obstruction - symptoms of three stages of pathology development, methods of treatment
Intestinal obstruction - symptoms of three stages of pathology development, methods of treatment

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

What to do if bitten by a snake: how to properly provide first aid
What to do if bitten by a snake: how to properly provide first aid

Every year, 125 thousand people die from snake bites out of more than 5 million bitten people in the world.

Is it possible to dislocate the jaw when yawning - information for patients
Is it possible to dislocate the jaw when yawning - information for patients

The main causes and symptoms of dislocation of the lower jaw. How the patient should behave after reduction of the dislocation of the lower jaw - doctor's recommendations. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

What is a spirogram and in what cases is it necessary
What is a spirogram and in what cases is it necessary

The method of obtaining an assessment of the condition and performance of the lungs by collecting the main indicators of their work is called a spirogram.

Indications and methods for circumcision of the foreskin in men
Indications and methods for circumcision of the foreskin in men

Why is male circumcision performed? Pros and cons of circumcision, possible complications after surgery. Methods of the procedure, the rules of wound care in the rehabilitation period.

EGDS (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
EGDS (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy)

Modern endoscopic equipment allows diagnosing pathology in the early stages and conducting timely treatment.

Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the gonadal tissue in men. Pathology is most common in several age categories: 10, 20-40, over 60 years. Testicular cancer is a rather aggressive disease.

X-ray diagnostics - advantages of the procedure
X-ray diagnostics - advantages of the procedure

X-ray diagnostics - advantages of the procedure

What is cholecystitis. Treatment of cholecystitis in adults
What is cholecystitis. Treatment of cholecystitis in adults

Causes of cholecystitis. Signs of an attack of cholecystitis in women and men. Forms of the disease. Diet for cholecystitis, drug treatment.

The main symptoms of fatty degeneration of the liver at the initial stage of the disease
The main symptoms of fatty degeneration of the liver at the initial stage of the disease

How to treat fatty liver hepatosis - recommendations of leading experts. The main signs of hepatosis of pregnant women. Features of the diet, preventive measures, prognosis of the disease

Early pregnancy signs
Early pregnancy signs

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

polyps of the uterus. Surgery to remove a uterine polyp. Her alternatives
polyps of the uterus. Surgery to remove a uterine polyp. Her alternatives

Causes of the formation of polyps in the uterus. Clinical symptoms, possible consequences. Diagnostic methods. How to treat uterine polyps. Laser treatment.

Hodgkin's disease
Hodgkin's disease

Lymphogranulomatosis is a malignant disease manifested by hyperplasia of cells of the lymphoreticular system. It is characterized by primary generalization (prevalence throughout the body) and the systemic nature of the process

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