The 20 most comical moments at a pediatrician's appointment

The 20 most comical moments at a pediatrician's appointment

A trip to the doctor is a serious matter, but there are moments when little patients can turn the appointment into the most entertaining event. Pediatricians from the Medical Network "Dobrobut" share funny, touching, and interesting cases from their practice.

  1. Once, a girl, while leaving the office, said to me, "Goodbye, laly!" Her mother corrected her: "That's not laly; that's auntie!" And she replied, "No, it's laly!"
  2. Recently, I was called to a home visit. A little patient, meeting me in a princess dress and wearing a crown on her head, asked, "Are you Doctor Aibolit?"
  3. A four-year-old boy kept tugging at my mask while I was examining his throat. It was funny, although not very comfortable.
  4. A five-year-old girl came in with her mother. The mother warned me that the girl is very afraid of doctors and doesn't allow herself to be examined. So, we searched together for where the little mouse had hidden. "Maybe in your ear?" "No." "Maybe in your nose?" "No." The examination went unnoticed and was fun, and the little one got so caught up that she started looking for the mouse in the office. Not finding it, she asked for a pen and paper and drew it.
  5. At the appointment, there was a 12-year-old brother and a 4.5-year-old sister. The older boy had two vaccinations and colorful band-aids on both arms. He told his sister, "Look how pretty!" (to keep her from being afraid of getting vaccinated). The girl responded, "Oh, Ilyusha, you are so beautiful, so beautiful! Just like my bicycle!"
  6. During a home visit, a girl asked for permission to examine me with her toy doctor kit.
  7. A four-year-old boy was indignant when someone tugged at the door handle: "What rudeness!"
  8. A 2.5-year-old girl was terrified of the medical examination and cried loudly. I got to know her soft toys: Chick, Bunny, Chicha, and so on. The child stopped crying.
  9. I remember an eight-year-old boy who always ran to greet me when I arrived for a home visit and hugged me sincerely, shouting, "My Oksana Ivanivna has come!"—he always lifted my spirits.
  10. I asked a six-year-old boy at the appointment, "What troubles you?" He said, "Food." I asked, "Why?" He replied, "I want to eat."
  11. I asked the father of a one-year-old child, "Are there any complaints about the child?" He replied, "Yes. It doesn't work. And it happens every time. The child is almost a year old, and it still doesn't work."
  12. At the appointment, five-year-old Masha said, "Hello, Karolina!" The mother replied, "Not Karolina, but Karolina Anatoliyivna." The daughter explained, "Mom, that's for you, Karolina Anatoliyivna, but we are friends with Karolina."
  13. I called from a home visit to the insurance company. I said I was calling about the child Ivanov Kolya. He started crying and screaming, "I’m not Ivanov Kolya! I’m SpongeBob!"
  14. One little patient called me "Doctor Fire" because of the lights on my head, and another called me "Doctor Coo-Coo" because I ask children to say "coo-coo" during the examination to see the adenoid tissue when the soft palate moves.
  15. I was called "Doctor Plush," but I guess that's how all female pediatricians are referred to.
  16. A mother to her child on a home visit: "Look, your fairy has arrived."
  17. This case occurred during an emergency call from MM Dobrobut to a three-year-old girl diagnosed with "acetone syndrome" who needed to have a test done. The child was ceremoniously seated on the potty in the center of the room, and the father, mother, I, and the paramedic happened to be sitting around her. The process wasn’t going well; we couldn’t obtain the material for the study. The mother said to her daughter, "Pee-pee." There was no effect. Eventually, the father said the same. No effect. Then the paramedic said this magical word, and still, nothing happened! I sat quietly, writing my conclusion. The girl pointed at me and said, "Now you say ‘Pee-pee!’"
  18. To gain trust, I often have to "treat" a toy brought by the children, and then I can attend to the child.
  19. At the appointment, the doctor said, "Well, shall we go to the eye doctor?" And the boy replied, "I'm not an eye doctor."
  20. At the appointment, the child treated me to candies; I thanked her and said it was a lot and that she could leave a few candies for herself, to which the child replied, "But I don't like those."

Stay healthy!

Updated: 01.04.2025
Doctors who advise on this issue:
19experience (y.)
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Renchkovska Svitlana Oleksandrivna
Renchkovska Svitlana Oleksandrivna

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