Laparoscopic appendectomy is a modern minimally invasive surgical method that allows for the effective removal of the appendix with minimal trauma to the patient
Hernias are a common problem in children that occur when an organ or tissue pushes through an opening or weak spot in the surrounding muscles or connective tissues.
To treat cancer of the sigmoid colon, rectosigmoid section, as well as tumor lesions of the upper and middle ampullary rectum (if it is impossible to form an anastomosis - stitching two sections of the intestine), Hartmann's operation is used
Endoprosthetics of the aortic valve is a minimally invasive operation that avoids opening the chest and connecting the patient to the cardiopulmonary bypass system. The implant (valve prosthesis) is delivered to the heart through a catheter inserted into
Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the pyloric section of the stomach, resulting in an obstacle to the movement of food from the stomach into the intestines.
Femoral-popliteal shunting is a surgical operation aimed at restoring blood flow at the level of the thigh by creating a bypass from an artificial vessel or using its subcutaneous vein.
Aortofemoral bifurcation alloshunting (AFBA) is a surgical operation to restore blood flow in the aortoiliac segment of the arteries of the lower extremities by installing an artificial vessel (implant, grafts) between the femoral arteries and the aorta
An aortic aneurysm is a sac-like enlargement of the aorta, the largest vessel that carries oxygen-enriched blood from the heart to other parts of the body.
The traditional method of treating fractures is the application of a plaster cast. However, in some cases, with open fractures or displacement of bone fragments, the dressing will be ineffective.