Consultation with an oncologist (surgeon) at the clinic
An oncology surgeon is a doctor that specializes in the surgical treatment of oncological diseases (tumors of colon and rectum, stomach, duodenum and small intestine, pancreas, liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, lung, thyroid, adrenal capsules). During a visit a doctor will gather information about patient’s complaints, perform a check-up, and will also prescribe additional examinations to determine the correct treatment approach. He/she will provide explanations on the advisability of the surgery and tell about its consequences and recovery period.
If cancer is confirmed, every patient has the possibility to undergo a multidisciplinary oncological council where doctors of various specialties will study the patient’s case record and choose the most correct treatment approach.
What is included:
- Registration of complaints, determination of the main problem;
- Familiarization with the case record;
- Work with the files and data of the previous examinations (X-ray, computerized tomography, PET CT, MRI, endoscopy, results of histopathological examination);
- Check-up;
- Determination of the preliminary diagnosis;
- Explanations on diagnostics and treatment plan;
- Recommendations on the examination and treatment.
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- Мартов А.Г., Ергаков Д.В., Байков Н.А., Поминальная В.М., Соломатов И.А. Трансуретральное удаление опухолей мочевого пузыря единым блоком // Онкоурология. 2015. Т. 1, № 1. С. 41–49.
- Laparoscopic Kidney Surgery. Published online, 2019.
- Алексеев Б. Я., Калпинский А. С., Поляков В. А., Андрианов А. Н. Лапароскопическая резекция почки при опухолевом поражении. Онкология. Журнал им. П.А. Герцена. 2012;1(1):4-9.