Information about the doctor Shuiska Iryna Hennadiivna
- Luhansk Medical Institute
Areas of professional development:
- a member of the Society of Child Neurologists;
- attending conferences regularly (‘Actual problems of clinical, social pediatrics and child neurology’ and others);
- reading medical literature, professional periodicals;
- exchange of experience with foreign colleagues during international conferences.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- She deals with patients’ rehabilitation in the recovery period.
- ‘I mostly treat patients with migraine, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, neurosis-like states.’
- ‘The main trends in modern neurology: implementation of modern molecular diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system in infants and young children, technologically advanced visualization of congenital and acquired brain injuries. At the moment, innovative technologies to improve rehabilitation for patients with chronic disorders of the nervous system are actively used.’
- ‘I use an individual approach to every little patient, carefully considering the level of his mental and speech development, and cognitive functions.’
- ‘A good doctor is a real professional who can listen, and knows how to inspire confidence and optimism.’
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- genetics;
- psychiatry.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- ‘My hobby is travelling.’
Doctor's advice:
- ‘I strongly recommend that all patients lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the day regime, and avoid stresses, of course. Parents should carefully monitor their children health.’
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- ‘Optimally organized treatment process and up to date equipment’