10 з 10 Лікар професіонал своєї справи
Dobrobut Dental Clinic is a dental network of Dobrobut, where we provide a full range of dental services, guided by a comprehensive and individual approach to treatment. We take care of your smiles by combining world-class expertise, the latest technology, a caring approach and comfortable conditions. The separate dental clinic Dobrobut Dental Clinic in the Pechersky district is equipped with the most modern equipment: an Orthophos SL dental tomograph, a Dentsply Sirona digital radiovisiography device, Dentsply Sirona dental units, STA computer anesthesia, an intraoral scanner, a Surgic Pro NSK physiodispenser, a Leica Microsystems dental microscope, whitening system ZOOM. The surgical block is equipped with an operating room for surgical interventions and treatment under anesthesia. Like all Dobrobut Dental Clinics, the clinic in Pechersk provides a full range of dental services for children and adults.
The dental clinic accepts and provides consultations from specialists in all areas:
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DDC Dentistry Center for the whole family in Pechersk
10 з 10 Лікар професіонал своєї справи
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Щиро дякую! Магічно.
Чудовий лікар, який радує не лише своїм уважним ставленням до пацієнта, а й якістю своєї роботи. Дуже вам дякую, Арсенію Ігоровичу!
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