Тетяна Миколаївна завжди дуже чуйна до пацієнта, відношення з любовʼю та розумінням. Професійний підхід у всьому, навіть у складних і екстрених ситуаціях знаходить вихід і допомогає у вирішенні питанн...
More text…We use only certified materials and innovative techniques. The friendly staff will help you maintain your oral health stress-free and as comfortable as possible. Many of our clients trust us not only their own dental health, but also dental health of all their family members.
The Dobrobut Dental Clinic provides the whole range of dental services as follows:
A team of dental specialists of the Dobrobut Dental Clinic provides planning and treatment regarding condition of a patient’s body systems and attracting other medical specialists, such as ENT doctors, osteopath physicians, speech therapists, neuropathologists, maxillofacial surgeons and other specialists.
The Dobrobut Dental Clinic is located on the first floor of the Dobrobut Medical Center in Obolon. The Center works seven days a week. Appointments for consultation and treatment are scheduled through the contact center 24/7.
Treatment and consultations take place in comfortable rooms equipped with the latest medical technology devices. We use modern certified equipment from the world manufacturers, as well as certified materials. We pay great attention to sterility. The head nurse performs internal control and SES (special agreement) performs external control by systematic sampling of personnel, offices and dental instruments.
Sterilization is carried out automatically using special equipment in compliance with the mandatory standards and instrument treatment techniques.
We value our clients and strictly observe the confidentiality of their personal and medical information.
We provide the 6 months guarantee for all types of services.
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DDC Dentistry Center for the whole family in Obolon
Тетяна Миколаївна завжди дуже чуйна до пацієнта, відношення з любовʼю та розумінням. Професійний підхід у всьому, навіть у складних і екстрених ситуаціях знаходить вихід і допомогає у вирішенні питанн...
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MN «Dobrobut»