Information about the doctor Baryska Ivanna Olehivna
Work experience: 10 years
- Ternopil State Medical Academy
Scientific activity:
- 2016-2017: Assistant of the Department of Anesthesiology, Bogomolets National Medical University;
- 2017-2022: Associate Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy;
- author of scientific articles.
Teaching and / or lecturing:
- 2017: Lecturer at the Department of Anesthesiology;
- teaching the course of ultrasound in anesthesiology at the Department of Anesthesiology.
Areas of professional development:
- constantly undergoes thematic improvements and acquires new skills.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- neurosonography;
- ultrasonography of hip joints;
- ultrasonography of abdominal and retroperitoneal organs;
- ultrasonography of the bladder;
- ultrasonography of the thyroid gland;
- ultrasonography of thymus gland;
- ultrasonography of knee and hip joints;
- ultrasonography of lymph nodes;
- ultrasonography of salivary glands;
- ultrasonography of soft tissues;
- ultrasonography of the mammary gland;
- ultrasonography of lungs and pleural cavities;
- echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) in children and adults;
- doppler ultrasonography of head and neck vessels in children from 3 years old and adults.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “My hobbies include knitting and painting.”