The uterus is one of the most important organs of the female reproductive system. In the presence of various serious gynecological diseases, doctors try to preserve the woman's reproductive function as much as possible, but this is not always possible.
Laser labioplasty is an innovative method of intimate correction that returns a woman’s attractiveness and self-confidence. Correction of the labia is an operation that has been gaining popularity in recent years.
Nabothian cysts (mucinous retention cysts) are benign formations that can develop on the cervix. These cysts form when mucus accumulates in the cervical glands without an outlet.
Cervical canal curettage, also known as endocervical curettage (ECC), is a medical procedure that involves scraping a small tissue sample from the endocervical canal
Antimullerian hormone is one of the main indicators of gonadal function in women and men. It is involved in the maturation of ovarian follicles and spermatogenesis.
Ovarian reserve is the quantity and quality of remaining oocytes in a woman’s ovaries. It is an important indicator of fertility potential, as a higher ovarian reserve generally provides a higher chance of conception.
Aspiration of fluid from the abdominal cavity via vaginal or abdominal access under ultrasound control
3640 uah
Transvaginal puncture of an ovarian cyst under ultrasound control
6060 uah
Consultation by gynaecologist, expert of the sector in the clinic
1970 uah
Consultation of an expert in oncogynecological direction for adults in the clinic
3290 uah
Histological examination after removal of uterus with appendages (in case of non-tumor pathology)
1770 uah
Doctor's consultation on aesthetic gynecology
1970 uah
Repeated consultation with an oncologist-gynecologist directly for adults in the clinic (based on the results of an additional examination within 10 days)
1970 uah
Neauvia Intimate Filling
16200 uah
Comprehensive treatment of scleroatrophic lychen (PRP + external laser resurfacing), course of 4 procedures
44400 uah
Peeling of the intimate area (1 procedure)
5900 uah
O-SHOT procedure (O-shot or orgasm shot)
9500 uah
Forever young BBL+ photorejuvenation of the intimate area