Page 3: Doctors neurologists

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Orel Mariia Yakivna
3experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

31.03.2025 11:30

Osetrova Iryna Fedorivna
33experience (y.)
child doctor

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 19:00

Pavlenko-Chuniak Kateryna Olehivna
8experience (y.)
child doctor

Nearest pickup time

31.03.2025 15:30

Pavuk Nataliia Hryhorivna
Riabtseva Olena Volodymyrivna
30experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

Завтра о 15:45

Shchyrskyi Taras Oleksandrovych
12experience (y.)
Shuiska Iryna Hennadiivna
40experience (y.)
child doctor
Silaiev Dmytro Oleksandrovych
Volodymyra Ivasiuka (Geroyiv Stalingrada) Avenue, 16-V, Kyiv
6experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

06.04.2025 9:00

Skorobohatova Olha Valentynivna
Skorobohatova Olha Valentynivna
Neurologist; Pediatric neurologist
27experience (y.)
child doctor
Slobodin Tetiana Mykolaivna
Sydorchuk Liubava Mykolaivna
4experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

Завтра о 09:00

Syrnikova Iryna Valentynivna
30experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

01.04.2025 8:00

Ustymenko Olena Viktorivna
18experience (y.)
child doctor

Nearest pickup time

31.03.2025 16:00

Valko Ruslan Andriiovych
9experience (y.)

Services of this direction

Rehabilitation for children
Rehabilitation for children
Consultation by neurologist
Consultation with a neurologist makes it possible to get qualified help in the presence of symptoms of neurological diseases, their complications, assess the state of the nervous system after injuries, and draw up a treatment and rehabilitation plan.
Neurologist consultation through online clarification
Neurologist consultation through online clarification
Pediatric nevrologist consultation
Pediatric neurologists at the Dobrobut Clinic diagnose and treat diseases of the nervous system in children of all ages.
Pediatric neurologist consultation through online clarification
For a remote consultation via online explanation, it is necessary to clearly formulate what complaints and symptoms the child has, what exactly was the reason to seek help from a specialist.
Consultation with a rehabilitation specialist
In most cases, without special rehabilitation measures, rehabilitation may be delayed for a long time or not lead to the desired result. For the recovery to be as productive as possible, you need the help of a rehabilitation doctor - a specialist in rehabilitation therapy.
Consultation of a neurologist-stroke expert
Consultation with a neurologist-stroke specialist is essential when the first signs of a stroke appear - a severe cerebrovascular accident, which is a very dangerous condition.
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