Work experience: 25 years
Category: Higher
- Bogomolets Kiev National Medical University
Areas of professional development:
- Lecturer school mom Chicco, the author of popular articles in the magazine "Your baby". Advises mothers on the site "Svit mam".
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children of different age groups (0 to 18 years);
- pediatric neurology;
- consultation of children with the nervous system disorders (MRI, Doppler ultrasound, EEG);
- supervising and treatment of children suffering from perinatal CNS lesions;
- homeopathic therapy (classic and complex) of the nervous system disorders in children.
- ‘Since I usually deal with the children suffering from the consequences of perinatal CNS lesions, headaches, neuralgia, developmental delay, one the most important skills in my work is an ability to find the right approach to a little patient, explain and calm the worried parents. That is why only a competent specialist, possessing and applying the profound knowledge of human’s psychology, may be considered a good neurologist.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- heliology;
- psychology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- books;
- travel.
Doctor's advice:
- ‘It is important to help parents to see the essence of the problem and to explain them tactics of the further treatment. A patient and his relatives should keep in mind that there are no desperate situations. One should never give up!’
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- ‘Dobrobut is always at the cutting edge of medical technology with the high-end equipment, that provides doctors additional diagnostic tools. We may also pay more attention to each patient and that will definitely contribute to the improvement of their health in the future.’