A therapist is a general practice physician specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various diseases of internal organs in adults. In the "Dobrobut" medical network in Kyiv, our experienced therapists provide comprehensive medical assistance aimed at treatment, health support, and improving quality of life.
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05.03.2025 8:00
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05.03.2025 15:00
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05.03.2025 8:30
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A therapist possesses broad knowledge across various areas of medicine and can help address many medical issues. You should consult a therapist if:
Consultation with a therapist is important for preventive measures, including vaccinations, early disease detection, and timely treatment.
Therapists employ various diagnostic methods to assess patients' health status. The main diagnostic methods include:
These methods help the doctor accurately determine the diagnosis and recommend the necessary treatment.
The treatment methods employed by a therapist may include:
The consultation with a therapist at the Dobrobut clinic in Kyiv begins with a detailed collection of medical history, during which the doctor asks about your symptoms, complaints, and medical history. After the physical examination, the doctor may order necessary diagnostic tests, determine a treatment plan, and provide recommendations for home care and physical activity.
During your consultation with the therapist, consider asking the following questions:
These questions will help you gain more clarity about your condition, treatment options, and the importance of preventive care.
The "Dobrobut" medical network also offers the option for online consultations with a therapist. This is convenient for patients who want to receive medical assistance without leaving home or who have limited ability to visit the clinic in person. Such consultations allow you to quickly discuss your symptoms with the doctor and receive professional advice, even if you are currently outside of Ukraine.
If you wish to check your overall health or have concerning symptoms, schedule an appointment with a therapist at the Dobrobut clinic.
You can book a consultation through the form on the website or by calling the contact center.