The program "Pregnancy single-parent basic" (at late registration)

Pregnancy management programs from the Dobrobut Medical Network
Pregnancy is an amazing period for every woman. An important and at the same time exciting moment of the "hopeful" period requires the supervision and support of highly qualified specialists.
In the Dobrobut medical network, we provide full support for pregnant women and further support for your baby by our pediatricians.
You can always choose a pregnancy program that will suit your needs. Pregnancy management programs include all the necessary instrumental and laboratory tests, consultative examination of narrow specialists. Pregnancy management in Dobrobut is all services in one place and without queues. If you are a Dobrobut client, then all your data is stored in one card, so you do not have to mention what may be important for your doctor in the management of pregnancy.
When can I register?
The pregnant woman should be registered as early as possible about the established term of pregnancy, and preferably not later than 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the screening period of the first trimester. During the first trimester screening, doctors determine the risks of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal malformations.
You can register for pregnancy in Dobrobut at any time by choosing the appropriate pregnancy management program. Each pregnant woman will receive an individual approach and observation by the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Obstetrician-gynecologist Dobrobut will accompany the woman during pregnancy, will provide the necessary counseling and medical care, will answer all questions.
How do I choose the program that's right for me?
To choose a program for yourself, you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist Dobrobut, who after the initial examination will recommend a program that is right for you.
To do this, the doctor takes into account the following factors:
- Single or multiple pregnancies.
- Presence of chronic somatic diseases in pregnant women.
- Negative rhesus factor of the mother and positive of the father (rhesus conflict).
- Obstetric and gynecological history (history of previous pregnancies and births).
- Takes into account the period of registration.
The program "Pregnancy single-parent basic" (at late registration)
The program is recommended for pregnant women with physiological singleton pregnancies who begin monitoring in the second trimester of pregnancy (after the 20th week).
The basic program contains all the minimum necessary examinations, which are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine during the physiological course of pregnancy:
- general clinical tests;
- consultations of obstetrician-gynecologist and related specialists;
- prenatal ultrasound;
- antenatal monitoring of the fetus (cardiotocography);
- determination of thyroid function;
- screening for latent iron deficiency anemia;
- prenatal screening for neonatal sepsis with the possibility of prevention;
- prenatal consultation with a pediatrician / family doctor for the care of the unborn child and breastfeeding;
- departure of the pediatrician home after birth.
Each pregnant woman is given an exchange card, a sick leave or a certificate for "maternity leave" within the program.
Validity of the program: 1 year from the date of execution of the contract.
An additional program deposit of UAH 2,000 / UAH 4,000 / UAH 6,000 / UAH 8,000 is possible (for services that are not included in the list of the package with a 15% discount and payment of the additional cost of expert doctors' consultations).
The service is provided: in all "adult" departments by an obstetrician-gynecologist.
What services are included in this program that will be provided to me?
- Consultation of obstetrician-gynecologist 6
- Consultation of a physician/family doctor 1
- Consultation of a pediatrician at home Kyiv 1
- Preanalytical stage in biological material study 18
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 1
- Bakposiv urine 1
- Determination of antibodies Ig G to HCV (hepatitis C) 1
- Determination of antibodies Ig M to HCV (hepatitis C) 1
- 3-Hour Glucose Tolerance Test 1
- Total protein 1
- Urea 1
- blood creatinine
- aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 1
- alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 1
- Alkaline phosphatase 1
- Bilirubin total 1
- blood Glucose 1
- Coagulogram 1
- Blood group and rhesus factor 1
- Determination of HbsAg (hepatitis B) 1
- Tests ting HIV by enzyme immunoassay 2
- Determination of antibodies to Treponema pallidum (TPHA) (syphilis) 2
- Urine overall 6
- Ferritin 1
- blod test deployed 2
- Definition streptococcus group B (Streptococcus Agalactiae) with a sensitivity to antibiotics 1
- Microscopic analysis of secretions from the genitourinary organs (bacterioscopy) 2
- Liquid cytology PAP test 1
- Registration of electrocardiography (ECG) standard in 12 leads and transcript 1
- Cardiotocography (CTG) with autoanalysis without consulting a doctor (one fetus) 3
- Cervicometry 1
Services, appointed physician according to the needs of each sector of a selected service in the amount specified in column
Consultation related professionals to choose from: genetics, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, phlebologist 1
- Consultation genetics
- Consulting of an ophthalmologist with the determination of intraocular pressure and autorefractometry
- Consultation endocrinologist
- consultation vascular surgeon (phlebologist)
Expert ultrasound of the fetus (units in the fetus) in the second trimester of your choice 1
- Expert ultrasound of the fetus at 14-22 weeks of pregnancy (one fetus)
- Expert ultrasound of the fetus at 14-22 weeks of pregnancy (one fetus)
Expert ultrasound of the fetus (one fetus) in the third trimester of your choice 2
- Expert ultrasound of the fetus at 22-41 weeks of pregnancy (one fetus)
- Expert ultrasound of the fetus at 22-41 weeks of pregnancy (one fetus)
Consultation with a pediatrician/family doctor 1
- Consultation with a physician/family doctor
- Consultation with a pediatrician
How will I understand when and for what procedure I need to see a doctor?
First of all, after registration you will receive an exchange card of the pregnant woman, the obstetrician-gynecologist will enter all data on the state of health of you and your kid. Also, the doctor will note all scheduled follow-up visits and dates of examinations, laboratory and instrumental tests.
What is the cost of the program "Pregnancy basic" (with late registration)?
The cost of this program saves 15% of the price of services.
How do I choose a doctor who will accompany my pregnancy?
All obstetricians and gynecologists of the Dobrobut medical network are highly qualified specialists who provide not only medical support but also psychological support to the expectant mother.
Dobrobut Medical Centers are located in different districts of Kyiv and the region, so you can choose a clinic near your home.
You can make an appointment for an initial consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist by calling our contact center (044/097) 495 2 888.
We care about you and your future.