Symptoms and treatment of retinal detachment. Prevention of disease causes

Symptoms and treatment of retinal detachment. Prevention of disease causes

The retina is located inside the eyeball and contains a lot of nerve cells that convert light into impulses that pass into the visual section of the brain. Retinal separation is a very complex and serious disease that requires immediate medical attention. Treatment of retinal separation is most often performed surgically, but an ophthalmologist makes the final decision.

In ophthalmology, the manifestation of symptoms is considered in two stages. The disease begins with prodromes: light "flashes" periodically appear in the eye, straight lines are seen in a distorted form. In the event of a rupture of the vessels of the eyeball, the primary symptoms of the development of the disease will be complemented with one more symptom: small black dots, “floaters” begin to flicker.

A short time after the prodromes, true symptoms appear: blurry vision, a black “curtain” partially covering the picture, abrupt visual acuity decrement. A black spot increases gradually, and a patient becomes completely blind.

Children must have signs of retinal separation, but may not articulate the problem at the stage of prodromes.

If the disease is suspected, an ophthalmologist will conduct a complete examination. This must be done quickly, since complete blindness can be a consequence of retinal separation. The basis of the diagnosis is the eye ground check-up, and this procedure can be carried out using various techniques:

  • using contact or non-contact lenses;
  • using a forehead ophthalmoscope.

If such an examination does not give accurate results, then specialists use ultrasound, electrophysiological examination, as well as measurement of intraocular pressure and examination of the perimeter of the field of view.

The main goal of treatment is to bring the retinal layers closer together. The treatment is performed surgically. The cost of surgery for retinal separation is quite reasonable.

Surgical intervention for this reason is considered quite complex and can be performed using different techniques. The treatment is the most effective in case a patient comes to a doctor at an early stage (no later than 2 months after the onset of the first symptoms). Modern ophthalmology offers patients the laser retinal enhancement, which is a painless and safe manipulation performed on an outpatient basis and lasting a maximum of one and a half hours.

Since it may take more than one week from the moment a patient visits a doctor because of the signs of the disease till a surgery, patients need to know what to do when the retina is being separated:

  • going in for sports – a usual morning exercise in a calm rhythm is not excluded, but more complex physical activity is contraindicated;
  • staying in a tilted position even for a short time – patients should forget about working in the yard, washing floors for a while;
  • visiting bathhouses, saunas and various water bodies, including swimming pools;
  • looking at bright light, the sun – it is better to wear sunglasses even in winter, as the reflection of rays from the snow can provoke a deterioration in the condition.

By the way, the same prohibitions must be observed during the recovery period after the surgery. However, even after complete rehabilitation, a person who has undergone such surgical treatment must observe certain precautions, like avoid eye injuries, avoid long exposure to the sun, and control the amount of physical activity.

The pathology may be caused by injuries, elevated intraocular pressure, vision disorders (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, etc.). That is why prevention of the causes of retinal separation is required:

  • it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist if you have had an injury to the vision organ, as even a minor injury can provoke a problem;
  • in case of visual disorders, it is necessary not only to be regularly observed by specialists, but also to wear glasses, lenses, and carry out other corrective measures;
  • solving the problem of the elevated intraocular pressure – to undergo pharmacological therapy.

Article author: Natalia Kubrak

Publication date: 27.12.2020

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Updated: 10.03.2025
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