Causes of seeing spots

Causes of seeing spots

Many people see spots and ticks from time to time. This blur is especially noticeable when looking at a bright monochrome surface, such as the sky in clear weather. Causes of seeing spots may be various. Most often, visual effects indicate age-related changes in the organs of vision. They are also common in patients suffering from myopia.

Insignificant blurring of vision by itself does not provoke vision impairment, however, they may bother. Sometimes, when this symptom appears, the help of an ophthalmologist is required.

Seeing spots and buzzing in ears can indicate a neurological pathology. Similar symptoms are often the result of chronic fatigue or neuropsychic supertension, i.e. stress.

Before starting treatment for seeing spots and pain in the eyes, it is necessary to reliably ascertain with which ophthalmic pathology or other somatic disease these clinical manifestations are associated.

Important! You should definitely consult a doctor if symptoms such as weakness, dizziness and vomiting appear in parallel with flickering of spots. With a high degree of probability, the symptom complex indicates the development of arterial hypertension, and it is important to start the therapy for hypertensive disease as early as possible.

Sometimes white spots you see disappear spontaneously or begin to bother much less often. However, as a rule, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease in order to eliminate the symptom. Opacities often disappear, leaving the visibility zone. Changes in the vitreous body do not disappear anywhere, though.

If a specialist does not detect a serious pathology, then special treatment is not required. Some patients may need only psychological adaptation, i.e. adjustment over a period of time.

There are no medicines that eliminate flickering of spots as a separate symptom. Patients are prescribed eye drops of Potassium iodide and the enzymatic agent Wobenzym (pills for oral administration). The optimal treatment scheme involves the use of Potassium iodide drops 3–4 times a day. Wobenzym is prescribed in 5 pills. The frequency of administration is 3 times a day. The duration of the course of therapy varies from 2 to 4 weeks.

It is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes that include lutein, which has a beneficial effect on vision, simultaneously.

If damage to the retina of the eye is diagnosed, it is necessary to eliminate the tears through preventive laser coagulation to prevent its separation. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require a long hospital stay.

Treatment for seeing spots and pain in the eyes that have appeared against the background of diseases of the cervical spine, is performed by a neurologist and physiotherapist.

When the structure of the vitreous body changes, a surgery (vitrectomy) may be required, which implies its partial or complete removal with subsequent replacement. The surgical intervention is very effective, but unsafe, as some likely consequences are retinal separation and lenticular opacity (cataract).

It is recommended to change the lifestyle to get rid of spots and prevent their occurrence. It is important to pay particular attention to a healthy diet (in particular, consuming enough vitamins).

Controlled physical activity is of great importance (at least morning exercises and walking in the evening should become regular).

It has been conclusively established that hypodynamia is one of the causes of early visual impairment. Try to spend as little time as possible in front of a TV or a monitor. Eye fatigue very often provokes the appearance of floaters.

And, of course, it is necessary to give up nicotine and alcohol consumption. Bad habits negatively affect the state of all organs and systems, and can cause problems with blood pressure even at young age.

Simple eye exercises are very useful. When you begin to see spots (or to prevent seeing them), move your eyes sharply to the left, then to the right. Then move your eyeballs up and down. These movements contribute to the redistribution of fluid, and the spots will move outside the visual field.

Article author: Victoria Ratushnyuk

Publication date: 18.01.2021

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