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Aesthetic cosmetology

Aesthetic cosmetology is a field responsible for restoring, rejuvenating, and eliminating aesthetic skin imperfections using various procedures and techniques. Cosmetic programs also help to correct facial contours, eliminate age spots and acne, tighten pores, and improve skin tone and elasticity

Service prices:

Cosmetologist-esthetician consultation1340 uah
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels on the decollete, Forever Clear BBL (BBL phototherapy)4070 uah
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels on face, neck, decollete, Forever Clear BBL (BBL phototherapy)8770 uah
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels on the neck area Forever Clear (BBL phototherapy)2870 uah
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels on face, Forever Clear face (BBL phototherapy)4560 uah
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels, Forever Clear BBL, 1 zone (area in sizes as palm of the hand)2560 uah
Clear Skin Care (EXFOLIATING CLEAR SKIN FACIAL) IS Clinical3810 uah
Foam enzyme care (FOAMING ENZYME TREATMENT FACIAL) IS Clinical3300 uah
Sensi Peel (PCA) Sensi Peel (PCA) for sensitive skin3040 uah
Jessner peel without hydroquinone, basic (РСА)2890 uah
Jessner peel with Hydroquinone and Resorcinol (PCA)3280 uah
Skin‐lightening Jessner peel with hydroquinone (PCA)4240 uah
Classic facial massage1040 uah
Therapeutic facial massage according to Jacquet1040 uah
Modeling therapeutic facial massage2110 uah
Comedone extraction (hardware and mechanical facial cleansing)1880 uah
See all prices
Aesthetic cosmetology

Services in aesthetic cosmetology of the Center of  Dermatology and Cosmetology of MN "Dobrobut" 

Among the professional services of our Center you can choose

  • facial massage
  • acne treatment;
  • face cleansing (peeling);
  • various types of care: post-peeling, intensive, rejuvenating, enzyme foam, for deep skin cleansing, with a therapeutic effect, eye care.

Before starting a course of facial or body treatments, visit a beautician. The doctor will assess your skin condition and identify any problems or defects. Based on your skin characteristics, the specialist will recommend the best  procedure  for you, provide advice on lifestyle, nutrition, sun protection, etc.

If you want to improve the appearance and health of your skin, you can get a consultation with an aesthetician at our Center. Specialists  will select the best care for you depending on your skin type and problems, such as pigmentation, dryness, sensitivity, or acne. Our team will also provide recommendations how to keep your skin in good condition at home.

Among the aesthetic procedures performed by the specialists of our Center, you can choose a facial massage. The procedure improves blood circulation, reduces puffiness, relaxes muscles and reduces the appearance of wrinkles by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. The massage is applied to the décolleté, neck and face muscles.

A beautician can also advise you on comprehensive eye care. After all, this is the most delicate part of the face that requires very delicate treatment. This procedure promotes rejuvenation by stimulating collagen production and deeply moisturizing the skin. It reduces dark circles under the eyes, eliminates fine lines and wrinkles, and improves skin texture.

Modern methods of facial skin care in aesthetic cosmetology

Ideal for the care of dry skin with signs of aging is a rejuvenating procedure performed by the professionals of our Center. Serums are responsible for reducing wrinkles, restoring, deeply moisturizing, and softening the skin. A rejuvenating mask saturates the skin with antioxidants, relieves redness and nourishes it.

The best option for restoring skin radiance and smoothing wrinkles is a foaming enzyme treatment. Effective skin renewal with metabolism stimulation provides lifting, brightening, even skin tone and reduction of puffiness.

If you have problematic, acne-prone skin, choose the Clean Skin treatment with a soothing and healing effect. The masks exfoliate, brighten, soften, and eliminate toxins. Exfoliant cleanses and tightens pores, polishes and smoothes the skin.

How to choose a facial cleansing technique

Facial cleansing is used to improve skin condition, reduce inflammation, and tighten pores. The procedures are suitable at the first signs of aging, when the skin has become saggy and its tone and turgor are reduced. You can also effectively cleanse the skin in the presence of acne, sebum, blackheads, black spots, and other impurities.

In particular, deep cleansing of the skin can be achieved with the help of peels. Choose the procedure in case of microrelief disorders, dry and dehydrated skin, uneven complexion, to eliminate age spots, sunburn, and signs of photoaging. Peels are effective in the complex treatment of acne, hyperkeratosis, rosacea, and seborrhea.

If you want to have renewed and healthy skin with a noticeable lifting effect, a mid-layer peel available at our Center will suit you. It reduces superficial and deep wrinkles, tightens pores, strengthens the skin, evens out skin tone, eliminates acne and hyperpigmentation.

You can choose any aesthetic procedure from those presented at the Center of Dermatology and Cosmetology of Dobrobut Medical Center. Make an appointment for a consultation, and our cosmetologists will help you choose an effective set of procedures for your skin!

If you would like to find out more information about the service or make an appointment at MS Dobrobut, leave a request and our coordinator will contact you.

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Aesthetic cosmetology

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Aesthetic cosmetology, Services:

Physicians who provide referral services Aesthetic cosmetology:

18experience (y.)
Popova Maryna Viacheslavivna
Popova Maryna Viacheslavivna
2experience (y.)
Yevdokymenko Alona Oleksandrivna
Yevdokymenko Alona Oleksandrivna
Cosmetologist; Medical Intern

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