Information about the doctor Husak Dmytro Serhiyovych
- M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University
Areas of professional development:
- takes an active part in congresses, symposia, conferences on endoscopy, endoscopic surgery in Ukraine and abroad;
- co-author of a number of scientific papers and articles on endoscopic surgery and pancreatology;
- continuously monitors the world trends in medicine development.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- endoscopy (gastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy and bronchoscopy);
- minimally invasive surgery;
- interventional endoscopy.
- Common complaints: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach disorders.
- “Endoscopy has been developing rapidly in the recent time including interventional methods , diagnosis and surgical treatment.“
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- surgery.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “I would recommend patients to stick to the right diet and don’t forget about preventive examinations by a doctor.”