InformationWhereServices2 reviews
Shynhirei (Bozhko) Nataliia Viktorivna

Shynhirei (Bozhko) Nataliia Viktorivna

Otolaryngologist; Pediatric otolaryngologist
23experience (y.)
child doctor

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by ELT specialist
1260 uah
Consultation of a pediatric ENT doctor
1260 uah
Follow-up consultation by ENT specialist (on the results of radiological study within 2 days)
1020 uah
Local medication-based treatment of ear
510 uah
Nasal toilet
430 uah
Local medication-based treatment of mucous membrane of the gorge
510 uah
Local medication-based treatment of mucous membrane of the nose
530 uah
240 uah
Suturation (no more than 5 items)
770 uah
Sowing the material for the presence of parasitic fungi with an antimycoticogram of the biomaterial under study
1010 uah
Politzerization of auditory tube
460 uah
Ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of ENT organs
5670 uah
Puncture and drainage of maxillary cavity
1710 uah
Lancing of abscess, furunculus of nose, ear canal
1900 uah
Lancing of paratonsillar abscess
3180 uah
Test of auditory tube function
1130 uah
Infantile auripuncture
2900 uah
Adult auripuncture
2900 uah
Ear toilet
460 uah
Catheterization of auditory tube
1530 uah
Bacteriological culture + antibioticogram from the ear
645 uah
Bacteriological culture of feces on the fungal flora with determination of a class
1555 uah
Vasosection of inferior nasal concha using hardware
8940 uah
Surgical vasosection of inferior nasal concha
8170 uah
Removal of foreign bodies from gorge, larynx, nose, external ear canal of the 1st category of complexity
1530 uah
Removal of tampons in case of anterior nasal packing
1720 uah
Infusion of medication into larynx
640 uah
Intranasal procaine block
1200 uah
Excisional biopsy of ENT organs
5470 uah
Endoscopic biopsy of ENT-organs of the 1st category of difficulty
3100 uah
Endoscopic biopsy of ENT-organs of the 2nd category of difficulty
3440 uah
Incisional biopsy of ENT organs of the 1st category of difficulty
2810 uah
Incisional biopsy of ENT organs of the 2nd category of difficulty
4230 uah
Incisional biopsy of ENT organs of the 3rd category of difficulty
5470 uah
Minor surgery with local anaesthetic of the 1st category of difficulty
1790 uah
Removal of sutures
520 uah
Local anaesthesia
610 uah
Information about the doctor Shynhirei (Bozhko) Nataliia Viktorivna


  • Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy;
  • clinical internship on the basis of ENT Department at Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education;
  • fellowship on the basis of ENT Department at Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Areas of professional development:

  • candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • assistant of the Department of ENT, NMAPO named after P.L. Shupyka;
  • lecturer of the Department of ENT, NMAPO named after P.L. Shupyka;
  • author of about 80 scientific publications, two monographs;
  • has a patent for an invention, participated in the creation of an atlas;
  • he is a laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of Ukraine;
  • member of the Ukrainian Scientific and Medical Society of Otorhinolaryngologists of Ukraine, member of the Association of Otolaryngologists of Kyiv and the Kyiv region;
  • actively participates in specialized scientific and practical conferences and seminars with international participation;
  • speaks French.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • modern diagnostics of diseases of upper respiratory tract;
  • conservative treatment of acute and chronic diseases of upper respiratory tract;
  • surgical treatment of tumors of upper respiratory tract.
  • The most common complaints are inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • ‘Now, thanks to communication with the world, Ukraine is not far behind in treatment of ENT diseases. We apply new technologies, related to improvement of technical issues which, in turn, helps to achieve positive results of the treatment.’
  • ‘Ear, nose and throat are the organs that provide us with forty percent of adequate perception of entire environment. Therefore, patients who have problems with nasal breathing, smell and hear, feel subjectively much worse than if they had, for example, joints of feet or hands hurting. Feature of ENT diseases is their acuity. You need to explain all medical aspects of patient in an accessible form. If you do not deliver information clearly, patient will not hear the thing doctor wanted to deliver. Good thing is that today society is set up to receive information. People want to have a thorough knowledge of their illness.’
  • ‘A good doctor is a professional with a capital letter, which is able to communicate with a patient. There will be no success without a trusting relationship between a patient and a doctor. I love my specialty a lot, but, of course, no branch of medicine exists isolated. We don’t have ear growing separately somewhere in the tree. Body is a unified whole, in almost every case, we are faced with some comorbidities. Therefore, we must have a basic knowledge of all branches of medicine.’

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • "Our body is a single system, so a doctor of any narrow specialization should be interested in absolutely all fields of medicine."

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • ‘I have two children – all the free time I devote to them!’

Doctor's advice:

  • ‘Love yourself and take care of yourself, be aimed not at self-medication, but at seeking of professional help.’

Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':

  • ‘High organization – we have here excellent conditions for self-realization.’

Patient reviews of Shynhirei (Bozhko) Nataliia Viktorivna QR
Оцінка лікаря:
Оцінка рецепції
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor
Оцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаря
Impression of the clinic
Clinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression score
Overall impression

Дуже сподобалась лікар. Приємна, розумна, лагідна до дитини. Доступно пояснила всі моменти щодо аденоїдів та необхідності хірургічного лікування. Буду звертатись за необхідності ще.

– Євгенія30.06.2024
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor
Оцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаря
Impression of the clinic
Clinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression score
Overall impression

Лікуємося в період загострень всією родиною вже понад 5 років! Найкращий ЛОР лікар, якого ми зустрічали!

– Анастасія22.05.2024
Анастасія, дякуємо за ваш відгук, дуже приємно чути про позитивний досвід з лікарем!З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут

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Shynhirei (Bozhko) Nataliia Viktorivna

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